Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
"Mixed Media lll" Seinfeld Set, Promo's & More! Bonus Show #97
On this Bonus Show I am sharing some old audio that means a lot to me and is entertaining. For you comedy enthusiast, a short set by Jerry Seinfeld recorded back in the 80's that I know you will enjoy. But around he comedy set are a couple commercials and a "Salute to the Big Galute" by the famous radio team of "Charlie & Harrigan" out of Texas. I also shared and old radio commercial for a Jay Leno concert I produced, and a badly pronounced radio promo for a Bob Saget & Dave Coulier special show...so lot's of Mixed Media...Enjoy!
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This is another episode of stand up comedy. Your host in MC celebrating 40 plus years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews and comedy sets from the famous and not so famous. Here's your host and MC, Scott Edwards.
R. Scott Edwards:Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the podcast. Today we have a special bonus show for you. This is a shorter version and I get a chance to share some kind of the weird, unique stuff I've collected over the years. And today that's what we're going to be focusing on later on. There is a commercial for Bob Saget and Dave Coulier coming out to my 8th anniversary show. What's so funny is that the radio promotion guy didn't know how to say Saget or Coulee. So it sounds really bad. But it's a commercial they made for for our 8th anniversary. And that'll be at the end of this bonus show. There's a short set by Jerry Seinfeld recorded back in 1980. And before that there was a radio team called Charlie and Harrigan. They actually made it to the Radio hall of Fame. And at the time they were a syndicated show out of Texas. And they were listened to locally on KXOA, better known as 14k back in the eighties. And on this one they do a salute to the big galoot. And it was me. So that was really a treat. A short, funny radio bit by Charlie and Harrigan from back in the day where they did a little audio salute to me as the owner of laughs Unlimited. But to get things started, let's jump in and hear another radio commercial. This one was for Jay Leno in concert on Thanksgiving Eve back in the eighties. We ended up doing about four or five of these concerts, two of them with Jay Leno. But here's a radio commercial for a Thanksgiving concert which, by the way, did sell out featuring Jay Leno. So let's get into this bonus show. Here's our first radio commercial. Enjoy the top three things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Number three, health. Number two, happiness. And number one, Jay Leno is coming back. That's right, Jay Leno, the hottest comic in America, is coming back to the community center theater Thanksgiving week, November 26
R. Scott Edwards: at 08:00 p.m. Also appearing, co writer
R. Scott Edwards:of the Leno tv specials, Kevin Rooney. Get your tickets now before they're gone. Available at Laughs Unlimited, old Sacramento, and all the usual outlets. So don't miss Jay Leno. Thanksgiving week at the community center, brought to you by Laughs Unlimited. Wow, that brings back memories. That was such a fun thing. It was my first big concert. I was going up against Bill Graham doing concerts in the day. And this was the first of five shows that we did. The first is always the most exciting and the most challenging. I don't know if you ever thought about producing a big concert, but you risk about $15,000 to possibly bring in 24 to 26,000 in a single event. And in this case, we did sell out. So the bad news is you're risking 15,000 that you may not get back. And the good news is you could make six to $12,000 in a single night. So concert promotion is really exciting, but very risky. Okay, next we have the radio team of Charlie and Harrigan. As I mentioned, they made it to the radio hall of Fame. They were a very popular radio team out of Texas. And they were syndicated all over the country. And locally they were on KXOA, better known as 14K on the radio. And they did this regular tribute once a week for different people at various syndicated locations that their radio show was heard. And on this one they did a salute to the big galoot for me is the owner of Laughs Unlimited. So a great memory for me, kind of fun to hear. They're very funny guys. So let's jump into it. Charlie and Harrigan, a salute to the big galute. Well, Mister Harrigan, we've got an outstanding citizen of our area that I'd like you to salute. You sure. Okay. Hey, listen, I'm telling you, this is a guy. We know this guy. Come on. Okay. This is a guy that's done more for this city than anybody today. Charlie and Harrigan, salute. He can't do it. He can't do it. See what I mean? See what I mean? What this guy has meant to this area? Do you see what I mean? You see what I mean? See what I mean? Our big galud of the day today is Scott Edwards. He runs Sacramento's only all comedy showroom called Laughs Unlimited. And he drops in here at 14k every once in a while to see if we can make him laugh. And your flies open. Well, that was kind of funny. And obviously I was quite honored to be the big galoot that week. And the radio team of Charlie and Harrigan, as I mentioned, went on to the radio hall of Fame. It was quite an honor being recognized by them. And I hope you enjoyed that little bit of history. Okay, let's get into some comedy. Here's a short part of a session that Jerry Seinfeld did back in the early eighties that just to bring a little comedy to this bonus show. And then we'll be right back with something kind of different. All right, here he is, Jerry Seinfeld, live on stage. Of course, now I have my own apartment, and that's nice. Of course, in your own apartment, you have your own toilet. That's very exciting for me to own my own toilet. I was very. It's also very scary. Do you have a plush of toilet? See the water coming up? That's fear. You start talking to the toilet. No, please don't. I'll do whatever you want. I'll get you one of those blue things. You hook it in, makes it all different colors. There's nothing for you out here. All your friends, you and me, Steve. Oh, you also have to know about cleaning. And then when I first moved into my apartment, I didn't know anything about cleaning, but I watched television. I got very hit. Dirt, grease, sludge, grime, no problem. Now grime is coming to my house. But I'm not worried about it because grime always spells itself out right on the refrigerator, it says, grime. I know what's happening. You also have to know about apartment security locks and things. I had one of these locks. My mother made me get one of these locks that was called a police lock. Has anybody ever heard of this? Like a. It's a bar that actually braces in between the door and the floor of the apartment. And it's supposed to be like the best lock you can get. And it is very efficient. Cause once the crook breaks into your apartment, this gives him something to beat you with. Well, and Jerry Seinfeld as funny then as he is today. I got a chance to work with him for many years back in the eighties, before he kind of got big and famous. And it was. And of course, before the Seinfeld show. This comedy set gives you an example of how terrific his comedy writing is and how he takes normal, everyday stuff and makes it funny. I know you enjoyed that. All right, we're going to end on something kind of wacky. This was a commercial for my club's 8th anniversary, and I was very lucky to have the stars of Full House, Bob Saget and Dave Coulier, two guys that helped get my club going back at the club for my 8th anniversary. But what's so funny is that the radio dj that made the commercial had no idea how to say Sagat or Coulee. But anyway, a little bit of trivia wanted to share it with you. Ladies and gentlemen, another radio commercial.
Jerry Seinfeld:When laughs Unlimited has an anniversary, they do it right. It's laughs Unlimited 8th anniversary and the laughs just came. Keep coming as a special Laughs Unlimited anniversary presentation. Bob Sagan and Dave Coola two. That's right, two headliners for the price of one. You won't want to miss this unprecedented show. You've seen them on Friday night TV in ABC's full house. Now you'll see them at Laughs Unlimited in old Sacramento. So call now for your once in a lifetime show. Well, maybe not once in a lifetime, but maybe once a year, but make your reservations anyway. Laughs Unlimited old Sacramento special show Wednesday through Sunday. Call now 446-5905 that's 446-5905. And don't forget laughs Unlimited birdcage walk with Frank Prinsey, Steve Bruner and Johnny Ray and Bob Saget and Dave Coolia's anniversary show in old Sacramento.
R. Scott Edwards:Wow, those guys really messed up that commercial. And the names Bob Saget and Dave Coulier. But hey, that was our bonus show for this week. I hope you enjoyed it. There was an early radio commercial for a Jane Leno concert I promoted. There was a salute to the big galoot by the radio team of Charlie and Harrigan done back in the eighties. That was quite an honor. We had a little comedy set by Jerry Seinfeld and a really poorly pronounced commercial for Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, who were at my 8th anniversary of my club, laughs Unlimited. That was our bonus show this week. If you get a chance, tell your family and friends about our podcast and we'll see you Sunday for our main show, stand up comedy, and your host at MC. Till then, take care. Bye.
Announcer:We hope you enjoyed this episode of stand up comedy, your host in MC. For information on the show, merchandise and our sponsors, or to send comments to Scott, visit our website at www.standupyourhostandmc.com. Look for more episodes soon and enjoy the world of stand up comedy. Visit a comedy showroom near you.