Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
Jaz Kaner, Jeff Jena, & Bob Saget Standup Comedy Sets Show #208
On this standup comedy show, I have three great comics that helped me start my business, Laughs Unlimited. First is comic/musician Jaz Kaner, and high energy music act spoofing the Top 40, then a favorite out of the Mid-West, Jeff Jena talking about aging and budgeting...very funny! Last is a comedy set by a guy who was instrumental in me succeeding in the comedy business, my good Friend Bob Saget! He shares some funny material and then a song dedicated to his new Bride. Enjoy the show!
Jaz Kaner, Jeff Jena, and Bob Saget bring their distinct comedic styles to the forefront in a show that celebrates the art of stand-up comedy. Jaz Kaner, celebrated for his dynamic and musical performances, always manages to engage audiences with his upbeat energy and vibrant routines. Jeff Jena, with his humor steeped in personal experiences and a unique business-minded comedic approach, resonates deeply with audiences through relatable jokes about life's everyday challenges. Bob Saget, remembered fondly for his versatile and consistently funny performances incorporating musical elements, left a lasting impact on both the comedy world and the show's host, R. Scott Edwards, who cherishes Saget's significant contributions and friendship.
(00:00:21) Versatile Comedians Showcasing Unique Styles
(00:07:30) "Bob Saget's Humorous Career Reflections at 40"
(00:13:12) "Jeff Jena's Hilarious Family Anecdotes"
(00:15:22) Pufferfish Encounters: Childhood Reflections Underwater Comedy
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This is another episode of stand up comedy. Your host and MC celebrating 40 plus years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews and comedy sets from the famous and not so famous. Here's your host and MC, Scott Edwards.
R. Scott Edwards:Hi, and welcome back to the podcast. We have another fun show of stand up comedy for you this week. Some great people were very supportive in the early days of the club. Rounding out the show coming up later on. A gentleman that did my first tv commercial was really helpful when it came to learning the industry of stand up comedy and owning a club. Bob Saget, we sadly lost him a while back, but a terrific stand up comic. But more than that, he was a great friend and a great guy. I know you'll enjoy his comedy. Before that, we have Jeff Jenna. He now lives in the midwest, but a very, very talented stand up comic still working today. And as you'll hear from this recording, always fun on stage, but let's kick things off with a little high energy entertainment. Still a good friend of mine, he is in southern California. He is recently semi retired, bought himself a sailboat and is cruising around. And more than that, he's a semi professional surfer. In fact, he owns the Bonsai Surf school down in southern California. So if you're down there and you want to take surf lessons, look at him up. He's a comic musician. I know you'll enjoy him. His name's Jazz Kainer. You've heard him before on the podcast. You're going to see why I repeat his material now and then, because he's so fun. And so what? Beat. So let's jump into this show of good friends of mine and kick things off with some high energy comedy music with Jazz Kainer.
Jaz Kaner:How many people are in love?
Jeff Jena:Just clap.
Jaz Kaner:If you're in love, you clap to no one else. And this whole table over here, well, fun thing is, don't bother to take your hands off their crotch. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Jeff Jena:Remember.
Jaz Kaner:How many then are not quite sure if you're in love maybe you're not sure perfect. How many then are just pretending to be in love until you get what you want she's forcing his hand up. Now that's a. Here's a song that has nothing to do with love. What a night for a wet dream. Yes. All these hits on one album. That's right. Call now and order yours. Jazz caner slams the top 40. Hey, how about little George Benson? They say you stumble into walls on quaaludes. Nelson, of course. Willie Nelson. Maybe I should have loved you little often than I could have maybe I should have kept you a little longer than I would have, but you were always on my nerves. And of course, the Rolling Stones. That's all I remember of that song. Good laughter. I wear my sunglasses at night that's why I drive right through the red lights on. Oh, man, the clock must be slow just for the two people that understood that.
Jeff Jena:Okay.
Jaz Kaner:Sweet home, Sacramento. Lord, I'm coming home to you.
Bob Saget:I.
Jaz Kaner:Don'T care if there's no cable, as long as I'm working for the Duke. Yes. All these hits on one album. That's right. Hey, how about police? Classic, moldy Goldie from the police right hand. I've got no date tonight, but I've got nasty pictures. Guess I'll do this till I lose. And of course, the hits continue with the police singing king of stain. I found a little wet spot on our bed today, and I'm kind of upset because I've been away. And what would that album be without Billy Joel? Well, she's a big round girl and she's going down to Disney world. Oh, uh oh. She's a big round girl now. She's screwing up the Tilta world. And of course, hits from those funky guys from down under, men at work, screeching tires and the crash like thunder never catch a ride with Stevie Wonder.
R. Scott Edwards:That was jazz Kainer live on stage. Always fun, always musical. And you could tell that he had a great way with the audiences and always had an upbeat show. Big thanks to Jazz Kainer for all he did for the club. All right, coming up now. He lives in the midwest now. He's still doing standup comedy, but back in the day, he was one of the top headliners working around the country. And you're going to see why right now. Please welcome to the show, Jeff, Jenna.
Bob Saget:Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I'm a 40 year old white guy with no goals in my life. I recently discovered I have accomplished nothing in my entire life when I turned 40 recently. And 40 is a tough age for guys. I don't know about women. I can't. I can only speak for myself. But see, 40 is the age when you're a guy. You gotta walk right up to that big board that we keep in our mind called the dreams of our life. And you gotta walk right up to that big dream board, and you gotta start taking stuff off the dream board, moving it over to the never gonna happen board. And the first few come off pretty quick. It's like, oh, pro bomb player. Nope. Guess not. King of the whole thing. Guess not. Multi billionaire. Guess not. And then you start getting down and you're going, Jesus, I'm 40. I have done nothing with my life. And that's tough, see? Cause, you know, see, if you're, like, black or gay or a woman, or in some minority group, and you have done nothing with your life, at least you got an out. No, see, when you're a straight white man in America, and you have done nothing with your life, and you hit 40, you gotta look in the mirror and be really honest and go, you know what? I have every advantage. I must be an incredible loser. I have done absolutely nothing with my life. And how many people you work hard for your living, right? But sometimes you feel like you don't even have an income. You feel like you're some kind of cash redistribution center. You know what I'm saying? Every payday, you're kind of going, thank you very much. Here you go. Yeah, come on back next week, there's gonna be more. See, I have this theory about life, that no matter how much money you make, you always need 40 more bucks a week. And it was actually Einstein who first postulated expenses equal salary. 40 plus 40. It's the famous e equals s plus 40 theorem. Are you familiar with this? See, and here's how it applies to all of our lives. It doesn't matter what you do or how much money you make, you can end up making $100,000 every week. And on Friday, you simply going, man, if I only had 40 more bucks, I can pay my utility bill, too. You know what, honey? So what do we do to get more money? We all do. The intelligence, right? Play the lottery? Yes. No, but that's stupid, too. You know what normal people like you never win the big dough in the lottery. You know who wins? Weirdos. Weirdos. The biggest weirdo of all time lives in Chicago. A guy in Chicago won$42,000,000.01, man. $42 million. You know what this weirdo says? The next morning, I'm not putting my.
Jeff Jena:Job.
Bob Saget:Coming home, going, what? $42 million. This guy's walking around the house. You know, honey, I've been thinking, and we could still use that 200 a week. And if we only had 40 more bucks then. Now, let's be honest. If you won $42 million, would you quit your job? Not me. I'd be in there the next morning with a completely different attitude about it. I'd be dancing on my way to work. It's gonna be a short day today, man. Oh, yeah. I'd be sitting in at the desk going, I don't think so, fat boy. That's right. I said fat boy. But, well, yeah, I've been drinking. I got some beer over here in the filing cabinet. See, I say go in there and kind of fool around until they fart. That way you can get unemployment too.
R. Scott Edwards:That was Jeff, Jenna. You could tell he's got a mathematical kind of business mind. He is very, very funny. Always a lot of laughs. And it was so glad to have him work for me back in the day and to share his comedy with you now for this stand up comedy show. A guy that really helped me get started. I met him in early 1980, and he and Dave Coulier, who worked together on Full house, were instrumental in helping me get my club's laughs unlimited going. And as a matter of fact, worked on my first tv commercial for free. And on that commercial, he threw me off a building and hit me with a car. We had a lot of fun. Anyway, he's a terrific stand up comic. Let's listen to him live on stage. Bob Saget.
Jeff Jena:What a crowd. Sagittarius. Thank you. You're a wonderful audience. I'm really excited to be back here. I really am, because since I was here last time, I got married four months ago. Oh, you don't have to do that. Thank you. I married this guy right here, and this is our son, Bosco. And it's good to have you out. No, I did get married, and my wife is my best friend, and I love her. And she's at home right now with God knows who. And, no, she's brilliant. She's a lawyer. Any lawyers here? Good. I hate. I really do. They've been working her very hard. She's a good lawyer. She just drew up my will and it really upset me and had the date of death on it. So when I first met her, I said, what do you do for a living? And she said, I'm a paralegal. And I said, you can't walk. But is this true? My parents were actually upset that we didn't take them on the honeymoon with us. Well, they took me on theirs, but they're good people, and I want you to meet them because they need friends really bad. They really do. My mom is Ted Nugent. I'm real proud of him. My dad is Rick James, the boy they jam at home. No, I love my mom. I really do. You can too, for just $12. No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That was easy. And so was mom. And that's why I'm here. Go. I'm sorry. Terrible thing to say. My parents are actually. They really, really were upset that we didn't take them on our honeymoon. We went to Hawaii for the honeymoon. Anybody been to Hawaii before? Yeah. Next time we go, you should come with us, because my wife likes visitors, basically. No, we. We had a great time. We went scuba diving for the first time, and I'd never gone scuba diving before. And I saw something which really freaked me out. I saw a puffer fish. You know what a pufferfish is? It's a fish. When it gets excited, it puffs up. You're laughing, and you really shouldn't, because you're scum. You really are. Sorry. I didn't mean to say that. You're not the person you're next to it. No, no, that's not true. I'm sorry. I have to apologize. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm overdosing on my own attitude. I used to hate obnoxious people, but I like them now because now I'm their leader. So I've got the brain of a foosball. So we had this really exciting thing. I saw this puffer fish, and it brought back some terrible memories for me, because when I was a little kid, nine year old kid, I lived in Virginia, I actually did this. I caught a puffer fish, and I'd seen shark's teeth on a plaque, and I thought it would look really hip to put this little puffer fish's teeth on a plaque. Okay? And I'm apologizing for doing this, because I actually did this. I actually cut out this little fish's teeth. And. No, this is Terry, you're right in moaning, because, in fact, it was exciting for me that you did that. It was a really upsetting thing. This is a living, breathing thing, and I did it. And I'm sorry. I just wanted to tell you. And this stuff I really believe comes back to you. I really believe in karma, because I was scuba diving on my honeymoon, and I'd never done it. I was under the water for, like, an hour, and it was terrible. I didn't have any tanks, you know? And I'm swimming, and this gang of pufferfish surrounded me, and one of them came up and said, it's him.
Bob Saget:He's the one who did it.
Jeff Jena:You know? So I've got my wife now, and that's the greatest thing in the world. Cause if you have my wife, then stay the hell away from her. Okay.
Jaz Kaner:No, no.
Jeff Jena:This is. This is the woman for me. And when I met her, I told her, I said, I love you. I just want to spend my life with you. I want to have kids with you. I want to be with you forever. And she said, bob, I can't do that. Cause I have to get up early tomorrow. Okay. It hurt me a whole lot. You know what I'd like to do? I'd like to do a song now that I actually wrote just for her. I wrote this for her when I first met her. And she hurt me a lot. She really did. But I'm into pain, so it was exciting for me. No, I'm not really. I was just kidding. But this woman reacted again. That's good. I wrote this just for her. And I really hope you like it. It's a real depressing song, and I hope it really bums you out. This is a song about rejection. And rejection is a really terrible thing. And I hope none of you ever have to face it. But now that I'm married, I don't have to worry about it anymore. Because I've kept my wife, and she never says no. And that's why I love her. This is a song I wrote just for my.
R. Scott Edwards:Whoa.
Jeff Jena:Just getting a pic. I wrote. I wrote this just for my wife and everybody. Oh, you don't have guitars. Hey, I'm sorry again. I really am. This is. I wrote it just when I met her, and I hope this never happens to you. And it happened to me. And here it is. And I hope you like it. And here it is and here we go. So sit back and relax. And again, I'm sorry. I met her just a day ago and I can't believe what she's done to me. She's warm, she's sweet, and she's beautiful. Falsetto. Neil Young will be impressed if he sees this. But she's got a boyfriend. A boyfriend, a boyfriend. Three boyfriends. Sad story. And they all lift weights, they eat raw meat. And I'm a six foot. They beat me up real bad. But I wouldn't care if they broke my nose or bent my back or neutered memes for life. I wrote these lyrics, and I'm real proud of them, okay? As long as I can still be her boyfriend. Her beat up boyfriend. Her hospitalized boyfriend. Her quasimodo, knock knee, black eyed boyfriend. That's who I want. Shut up.
R. Scott Edwards:I gotta tell you, Bob Saget is always funny and sometimes musical. A lot of people didn't know that. Besides being a terrific actor and a stand up comic. He liked to play his guitar anyway, I know you enjoyed that set. In fact, all three sets. I want to thank my good friends Jazz Kainer, Jeff, Jenna, and Bob Saget for sharing the material with us today. Hey, this is still a growing podcast. Be sure to tell your friends and rate us on apple or Spotify if you get a chance. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next week for another great show. Bye.
Announcer:We hope you enjoyed this episode of stand up comedy. Your host and Mc. For information on the show, merchandise and our sponsors, or to send comments to Scott, visit our website at www.standupyourhostandmc.com. look for more episodes soon and enjoy the world of stand up comedy. Visit a comedy showroom near.