Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
Standup Comedy "Your Host and MC"
Jay Leno, Carrie Snow, & James Stephens lll Standup Comedy Show #212
On this short standup comedy show I am sharing the comedy and musical impressions of James Stephens lll, the stage material of Carrie Snow, and from one of my early concerts...Jay Leno. Together, a short and funny comedy show you are sure to enjoy!
James Stevens III, Carrie Snow, and Jay Leno each bring a unique perspective to the world of stand-up comedy, reflecting their diverse backgrounds and styles. James Stevens III, renowned for his musical talent and impressions, appreciates the versatility required in stand-up, often paying homage to iconic artists in his performances. Carrie Snow, with her sharp observational humor and self-deprecating wit, continues to captivate audiences despite limited TV exposure, highlighting the resilience of female comedians. Jay Leno, celebrated for his sharp comedic skills and enduring popularity, is recognized as a legend in the industry, consistently engaging audiences with his top-notch performances at venues like the Comedy Magic Club.
(00:00:22) Podcast Featuring Jay Leno and Friends
(00:03:55) Resilient Female Comedians Defying Industry Norms
(00:09:38) Engaging Stand-up Comedy by Jay Leno
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This is another episode of stand up comedy. Your host in MC, celebrating 40 plus years on the fringe of show business. Stories, interviews and comedy sets from the famous and not so famous. Here's your host in MC, Scott Edwards.
R. Scott Edwards:Hi, and welcome to this week's podcast. We have a great lineup of stand up comedy for you today. Closing the show, a guy you may have heard of, Jay Leno. Yeah, he's famous. And not only was he tremendous stand up comedy back in the eighties, he is still out touring today and is a regular at the Comedy Magic club in Hermosa beach each and every week. This guy is terrific. You've seen him on tv, you've seen him in the movies. You're gonna hear him live later on Jay Leno. Coming up in the feature spot, a young lady that worked a lot for me back in the early eighties. She did a little bit of tv and she had some success on the road. In fact, she's still working today. But let's welcome Carrie Snow to the show. You'll hear her set a little bit later, but I wanted to start things off on a high note. A very talented comic that had a couple large television contracts, made many appearances on tv. He didn't become famous, but a really good stand up comedy and had some great impressions as well. Let's kick things off with the comedy and music of James Stevens III.
James Steven's lll:Ray Charles is the only guy I know who mastered country and western music. Country and western music. I do a little country western music myself. So find this redneck button on this thing. Come on, boys, you know where you are. Well, pull me another cup. Come on, y'all. And this the bed. Send a link. Come on. You know the word. Then I'll do the nickel dandy g bar. Well, then we gonna play the truck driver. Mandy, y'all wanna hear one more? It don't make no difference. They all sound just like he did a song with Patti Labelle. You remember that tune unmail? Battle people all over the world. I can't believe it. I see all these. All my favorite singers. See, all my favorite singers are on here, man. I was thinking, why didn't they have Prince on the show? So I see. Prince would probably sing what I say a different way. See the girl with a red vest out oh, yeah. Tell me what I.
Carrie Snow:Mean.
James Steven's lll:You remember the old days? Now I don't understand. I'm still trying to find out where Lionel Richie is. What happened to Lionel Richie? Hello? Well, you don't think I'm singing in studio doctor Richie? Yeah, I'm gonna do kermit the frog singing the sing too.
R. Scott Edwards:I know you.
James Steven's lll:Can see it anywhere smile I never wanted and why I'm sure open wide tell me how to win your prank.
R. Scott Edwards:Eco so you haven't got a clue that was James Stevens III, a very talented comic musician who also did some impressions. As you heard, he did some tv, had a couple contracts, and it was just fun to have him come through the club. He only worked for me twice, but it was great to have him live on stage. Okay, right now, one of our regulars back in the early eighties, a talented comedian that was working the clubs all over the country and is still working today. She didn't do a lot of tv, but she's very, very funny. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Carrie Snow.
Jay Leno:Hi. Gosh, good evening. What a great audience. You're also. Everybody looks like they bathed recently and stuff. Okay, as a favorite you people, I'll acknowledge my weight from the very beginning, okay? Because I know it makes people nervous. It does. And my name's Carrie Snow. I'm fat, but I'm hot. Ok? The full figured fox, the 18 hours gal. All right. No, but I'm looking. You guys do look nice and stuff. And I don't know, I'm looking around at you and everything. I see a couple people, a little body language, like the man with his arms crossed back there saying, make me. And I'm working as fast as I can. Okay. No. Cause I don't want to deceive you. Cause you all seem so nice. And I'm not gonna do any comedy here tonight. I'm here to talk about Amway. I thought you'd like that. But anyway, no, I really do feel good. I should tell you how good I feel today. I do. I'm wearing all cotton and. Yeah, I should explain my outfit. A lot of people think I don't care about the way I dress. And you're right. And I'll tell you about the tennis first. The tennis are very important because I got them because my friend Christine had them in a size five and they were just precious. She used to walk around like this, like whoop, whoop, whoop. Of course, these babies are tins. They kind of look like submarines dipped in pepto Bismol, don't they? And the purple pants. You know, a girl can't have too much pink and purple in her wardrobe. And I bet the last time you saw this much cloth was on a hobie cat. But no, I like them. When I went, are department store sales Eddie Snotty. To you guys or just to me? I don't know. I go, no. I walk in there and the ladies aren't nice. I asked. I found these pants. I really liked them. And I asked the sales lady if they were gonna be big enough for me. And she goes, yeah, it says right here on the tag, one size fits Japan. And anyway, so I'm real happy to be here. You know, it's always exciting because you guys are in on the show and all that stuff. I was a little nervous before the show. Can you guys tell? I cut my bangs myself? Anyway, there was a lot of pressure and stuff. And I said, hey, Carrie Snow, why not ruin your hair? I think it's important. No. Don't you think women do self destructive things themselves when they're upset? I think so. I do. Oh, yeah. I plucked my eyebrows till I looked like Et. Have you guys seen the movie et? He was pretty cute, wasn't he? Yeah. The ladies who are drinking. Oh, that lady's drinking beer. That's so attractive when a gal drinks beer.
Carrie Snow:So nice.
Jay Leno:Yeah. Girls, public. And, no, it's real fun. But I think my mother told me if I was gonna drink, she said to drink scotch and drink like a lady. She didn't tell me to slam down five and go make out with firemen. Anybody's ever fear seen.
James Steven's lll:Yeah.
Jay Leno:Oh, God, I got so nervous, I got pelvic congestion and forgot where I was. Anybody who's ever seen a fireman. Anybody who's ever lit a match. Come on, guys, I just want. Can I ask you people? When I was a little girl, I don't know if any of you did. Anybody here? I used to wish, and you notice I haven't finished one sentence since I got here. I used to just wish and wish and wish that I look like Elizabeth Taylor. Well, now I do. Wow, you people realize. But, you know, I'm getting a vibe from you people. I like it when you're quiet, though. I really do. I like when you cry. It gives me a chance to think. And right now I'm thinking, Carrie, you should have learned how to type. But now I'm getting a vibe from you people. A lot of you people, they're saying, wow, this gal is like a mindless piece of fluff. And that's not true. In fact, I granulated from UC Berkeley and a lot of them. No, it's true. I was a rhetoric major and I was supposed to go to law school. Can you imagine really being in deep trouble? And you walk in the courtroom, I'm your public defender going, hi, you like my pink tennis? Can you tell? I cut my bank myself. And I shouldn't be terrible to guys because I like guys a lot, like repeatedly. And men are getting more sensitive these days. They really are. I think so. It's tough, though, when you go out with a guy and you order a double scotch and he orders a pink lady. But see, I'm originally from San Francisco, and that's where the men are men and the women are lonely. And I admit to you right here, a couple of guys I used to go out with in San Francisco later decided that they were gay. And for a while there, I thought I was a carrier of some sort, kind of the transition team, as it were. Now men really are getting more sensitive. Honestly, just the other night at a very intimate moment, a man said to me, he said, do you have any form of protection? I said, yeah, blue cross. Thank you very much. Thank you for being here.
R. Scott Edwards:That was Carrie Snow live on stage. When it came to females in comedy and, and comedy about being a woman, Carrie always brought it. The audiences liked her a lot, and she's still working today. And let's end things with some great stand up comedy by one of the stars of the comedy world. He has had many tv shows. He's been on stage thousands of times. In fact, he's still doing large concerts today. But back in the early eighties, he was a regular at my club. In fact, I produced a couple concerts with him that were hugely successful. Ladies and gentlemen, here's some comedy by Jay Leno.
Carrie Snow:Thank you, Scott. Hey, who says you have to pay more than $29 for a suit and two pairs of pants, huh? Boy, who says they don't have a nice selection down there? That's Sears husky, huh? Boy, I think he mentioned that. Well, good to see everybody. Welcome to the show. Some people coming in fashionably late there. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I like this room. This kind of looks like the rec room of the USS Enterprise, doesn't it? Kind of, you know, expect Spock to be playing three dimensional checkers in here somewhere. Well, let's see what's been on the news. O'Reagan was on the news two nights ago. He says he wants the army to go to war on drugs. Where the hell was here? And we were in Vietnam. We went to war on drugs once already, Jason. Why don't we try going to war without drugs once in a while? Maybe we'll win one of these stupid things. Cause George Bush, he's got the classic supply side economics approach to this thing, he says in six months they want to cut the drug supply in this country in half. See, that's classic republican thinking. They figure by cutting the supply in half, the price will rise to the point where dealers and junkies are going to go, that's it. We're not paying that kind of money. I'm not. I'm sorry. Nancy Reagan was out here recently. What? About three weeks ago, she was on the Joan Rivers show, and she was also at the Beverly Hills hotel where she was given the humanitarian of the year award. Yeah, I'm glad she beat out that conniving little bitch. Mother Teresa, huh? Boy, it's good to see the right people win once in a while, isn't it? Sure it is. Sure it is. I guess she won for the work she's done on her anti drug program. And I tell you something, I don't use drugs. I don't believe in drugs. I don't condone drugs. Yet when I see Nancy Reagan talk against drugs, I want to shoot up and die in the street. You know, I don't know. There's something annoying about the woman there. They had a segment on news the other night about Walter Reed Hospital. You know, these people that are always ready and waiting to operate on the president. One of the president is ill. Now here's something, you know, whether republican or Democrat, I think we all want the president to feel good. But sometime in this country, when the president is ill, the news media tells us a lot more about the illness than I think most people really care to know. You know, like whenever Reagan gets that intestinal thing, just tell me he's going to be okay. I don't need Dan rather every night with that Procto camera. We can see the polyp now. We can see the polyp now. Morton Dean is screaming in the background. They found blood in the stool, Dan. They found blood in the
Carrie Snow: stool. Hello, it is 06:00 some of
Carrie Snow:us are trying to have dinner here in America.
R. Scott Edwards:That was Jay Leno live on my stage back in the early eighties. And he was a huge help with the club back in the day. And as I mentioned, we did a couple large concerts with him. Jay is and was always a terrific standup comic. And we got a chance to showcase Kerry Snow in James Stevens the third. So thanks for listening. We want to thank our acts, James Stevens III, Carrie Snow and Jay Leno. We'll be back next week with another great show. Thanks for listening. Bye.
Announcer:We hope you enjoyed this episode of stand up comedy. Your host, an emcee for information on the show, merchandise and our sponsors, or to send comments to Scott, visit our website at www. Dot standupyourhost in mc.com. look for more episodes soon and enjoy the world of stand up comedy. Visit a comedy showroom near.