The High-Ticket Doc™ Podcast

Episode 079: Bonus! Obedience in our Purpose

Kimberly Reynolds

What's up, Squad!

Are you a woman of faith who has built a community of followers or listeners but doesn't know how to position yourself so that they can buy from you?

I have an offer for you!

Join me for my
Community to Clients™ Intensive on May 30th from 2 PM - 7:00 PM EST.

I'll be walking you through my signature process on building an engaged audience that is ready to buy from you, leading to 5-figure consistent months.

Go to and join us.

I'm going to give you all of the tea. And y'all know I don't hold back.

Let's get into it...

This episode was inspired by a sermon by T. D. Jakes sermon and a podcast by Tatum Temia about the parable of the Talents, and I just felt like God was downloading into my spirit, the idea of obedience.

Typically we think about obedience in terms of not sinning. However, this notion of obedience relates to our purpose!

In Genesis, the first commandment given to man was to be fruitful and multiply.

I believe this was not just related to having kids and it's about abundantly bringing forth fruit.

Mathew 25:14-30, Parable of the Talents. The master was traveling, and he entrusted his property to his servants. Y'all know how the story goes.

Let's focus on the servant with two talents.
Not once did he compare himself from a deficit standpoint or got an attitude for getting two talents.

Instead,  he took what he was given, recognized the blessing in it, got to work, invested it, and doubled his return on investment.

That is an abundance mindset!

Fear should not be an excuse as to why we aren't walking in our God-given purpose!

Mentioned in this episode:

Apply to join Purposed to Profit™ Elite: Group Coaching Program by clickingHERE and we'll discuss how we can work together.

Join A Tribe Called Purpose™ by clicking HERE.

Join my FREE private Facebook Group The Black Girl Coach Collective by clicking HERE and you'll access my training on How to Use Your Unique Story to Build Your High-ticket Coaching Business.


Join the POP Squad Inner circle and get messages from me, Text 'PURPOSE' to 954-758-8498.

Want to take the first step to overcome procrastination? Click here to take the Productive on Purpose Procrastination Personality Test! (You will also be added to my email list.)

Let's support and encourage each other!