The High-Ticket Doc™ Podcast

Episode 099: Profiles in Purpose: My Q3 Review

Kimberly Reynolds

Hey, POP Squad!

Another quarter has gone by! Can you believe it? We have been rocking together since the beginning of 2020, and so much has changed, so much is going to change as well.

That's why you absolutely cannot miss next week's Episode 100! It is going to blow your mind.

In today's episode, I share all my quarter 3 wins and failures. I have had some of my highest highs and some of my lowest lows since starting my business this quarter. Nonetheless, I am so grateful for the direction that God has taken me.

The beginning of the quarter was not easy.  I was having some doubts about where my business was and the direction I wanted it to take. But it was really that my spirit was unsettled because I was feeling that God wanted to do something new in my business.

Then I realized what it was!

I've known from the onset that I was called to serve doctors, women doctors, and more specifically, Black women doctors.

But I had resisted because stepping out and niching down was scary. However, I had to clarify my message so that I could show up both powerfully and with certainty for my right clients.

It required a lot of intentional internal work.  I had to go all-in on my mindsets and beliefs. I had to seek God relentlessly through the process.

Eventually, I was able to relaunch my coaching program,  Purposed to Profit™ , relaunch my Facebook group and rebrand myself as the high ticket coach on Instagram.

I was able to niche all the way down to serve Black women doctors who want to develop and confidently sell high ticket coaching programs and learn the secret to building a 6-figure (and beyond) coaching business from scratch.

In the process, I was able to make 60K just in the month of September. And those are just some of the wins...

In this episode, I share about:

  • Being certain and aligned in my business.
  • Shifting my beliefs and mindset.
  • Showing up in sufficiency versus scarcity.
  • Tugboat energy versus lighthouse energy.

Mentioned in this episode:

Apply to join Purposed to Profit™ Elite: Group Coaching Program by clicking HERE and we'll discuss how we can work together.

Join my FREE private Facebook Group The High-Ticket Doc™| High-Ticket Coaching For Women Doctors by clicking HERE and you'll access my Free training on The Secret to High-Ticket as a Brand New Coach.