Spiraling to Wellness

Reimagine: The Infinite Place Where Anything is Possible

Kristin Ritter Season 4 Episode 23

Stop repeating, start REIMAGINING. That is just part of the impactful dialogue featured in our January Podcast honoring our theme of REIMAGINE with guest Lauren Verbilla, Lauren is a licensed therapist in private practice and a Storm yoga Instructor. She emphasizes the importance of both releasing emotions through conversation and physical discord through movement. She encourages anyone who is automatically following the same tracks in their path to “visualize new destinations” and give themselves “permission to go to that place where anything is possible”.

Though she admits it is scary, Lauren’s advice is to “make a choice, take a
small step, make another choice”…and so on. Tune in and enjoy more of Lauren’s insight and experience.

You can connect with Lauren through email or by seeing her in one of her classes at Nourishing Storm.

Music from the album "Flower Peace, Volume 7" by Peacetime Guitar.