Spiraling to Wellness

Living Sustainably with Ann Martin & Nikki Savage

October 23, 2020 Kristin Ritter Season 1 Episode 10

How do we nurture sustainability within ourselves and as caretakers of the earth?
We spoke with Nikki Savage, Massage Therapist and Master Healer and Ann Martin, Land scape Artist and owner of Diamond Soul Essentials about practices that allow us to fill our own cups and use the overflow to sustain others and the world around us. From literal digging-in-the-dirt efforts like composting and planting indigenous species to create sustainable habitats to daily rituals of mediation, yoga and herb-based tools like essential oils and burnables.

In this especially challenging time – for everyone - we emphasized the importance of giving gratitude, especially to yourself and making space for your daily practices whether at home, at yoga class or in nature. As people feel increasingly polarized, these modalities can enable you to bring back harmony and embrace all of your feelings and those of others without judgement.