Spiraling to Wellness

Expand to your Limits with Kyle Farris

Kristin Ritter Season 2 Episode 16

Expand…there are so many ways you can go with this exciting and uplifting S2W theme for September. One definition that I love is “going to the limits of your longings.” But it is unique to each of us. We may be on a physical journey, an emotional journey, or a spiritual journey perhaps all three, just like our guest this month.

Kyle Farris is an accomplished Senior Learning Consultant and PhD Student researching loneliness in the workplace. He is also one of the Storm’s newly certified yoga teachers. Kyle explores with us what brought him to yoga and where the practice has taken him, which is far and wide. He discusses his philosophy for expansion and growth as well as his passion is to use his voice and teaching skills as a platform to facilitate connections between people. Kyle’s latest journey is taking him to Denver, Colorado, where he will continue to practice and teach yoga.

You can find Kyle on Instagram at Kyle_the_coach.