Dog Words

0228: Bitch New York with Jennifer Basulto

Season 2 Episode 28

Jennifer Basulto, co-founder of Bitch New York takes us shopping in an online boutique for dogs.

Bitch New York online:

From the Dog Words archives:
0220: Dog Behavior with Max Canine’s Emily Pantoja
0216: Mixed Mutt Creamery with Sherri Corwin
0137: Pet Nation with Author Mark Cushing

See Peaches in her swimwear in Dippin' Dogs Swim Party.

Celebrate 5 years of Rosie Fund by supporting our campaign to sponsor 50 dogs. You can donate at or through our Facebook page. You can contribute by making a purchase from the store on our website or buying a t-shirt at Also check out our page on BarkYours, the online mall with gifts for people who love their dogs.

Music for this episode is provided by alternative string duo, The Wires. Visit them at Learn fiddle and cello-fiddle online — even if you've never played before — from Laurel Morgan Parks and Sascha Groshang at

The transcript for this episode is available on the Dog Words Buzzsprout page:

Make a donation at or through our Facebook page. You can contribute by making a purchase from the store on our website or buying a t-shirt at Also check out our page on BarkYours, the online mall with gifts for people who love their dogs.

Rosie Fund online:

Even at the very beginning, if you ever said anything about Bitch New York the website, people immediately sprung to attention and they wanted to be part of it.

PHIL   0:20 
I'm Phil Hatterman and this is Dog Words presented by Rosie Fund.

Today, Jennifer Basulto, co-founder of Bitch New York takes us shopping in an online boutique for dogs.

If you're new to Dog Words, in each episode, we explore the world of dog care and companionship. "We save each other," is the motto of Rosie Fund, which simply means the more we do for dogs, the more they do for us. And they already do a lot.

If you love dogs, you'll love Dog Words. We welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions. Go to the podcast page at to share your thoughts. Please download, follow, rate, and most importantly, share Dog Words. Celebrate five years of Rosie Fund by supporting our campaign to sponsor 50 dogs. You can donate on our website or Facebook page. You can also contribute by making a purchase from the store on our website, buying a t-shirt at, or buying our note cards and shirts on Links are in the description. Your donations and purchases help fund the Rosie Life Starter Kits that make sure these senior and harder-to-adopt dogs have some of the items they'll need in their forever home.

Please follow Rosie Fund on social media. Subscribe to the free Rosie Fund YouTube channel that offers great great videos of Rosie, Peaches, and shelter dogs, including some exclusive content like the sweet KC Pet Project dog featured in our latest post and Peaches visit to the waterpark in her swim outfit.

Next time on Dog Words Chris and Mariesa Hughes tell us how they honor a very special dog with the Mr. Mo Project.

The mission of Rosie Fund is to provide humans with the resources and education they need to give senior and harder-to-adopt dogs a better life. We thank you for joining our mission.

Joining us from Los Angeles, Jennifer Basulto. How are you today, Jennifer?

Doing fantastic.

PHIL   2:11 
Your website boutique has attitude. Let's just say that.

Yes, it does.

Because people might figure that out from the name. That it is —it's Bitch New York. And when I first heard about the online store, I had no idea what it was. But I was intrigued. So tell our listeners what Bitch New York is.

What is Bitch New York? My goodness, it is anything and everything you could ever possibly want for your dog. From the ridiculous to the sublime. We cater to very high end dog products down to your absolute basics.

PHIL   2:58 
Yeah, looking at your website, I see clothes that are practical, but stylish, fun and obviously stylish. But then also accessories like beds and bowls and toys and really awesome looking carriers and fashion designer quality collars. So it's this wide range of products. But I would say with an attitude, an attitude of, "This dog is special."

Absolutely. Absolutely.

PHIL   3:33 
A couple weeks ago, our guest was Emily Pantoja who is a dog behaviorist in Wales. And we started talking about the commercialization of dog ownership. And she was saying that one of the issues that concerns her is the people who buy coats for their dogs without any sort of practical consideration. And what was clarified during the discussion was when you buy a fur coat for your golden retriever.


PHIL   4:06 
And it doesn't need to be wearing this when it's 50 degrees out or even when it's 20 degrees out. But she said, "But I have no problem with people who love their dogs." And she said, "I buy things to dress my dog up. But you just have to think about how does the dog feel in this? How do other dogs interact with it?" So have fun with your dog, but just be smart. And you can tell if a dog likes it or doesn't like it. They'll let you know.

Yeah, absolutely.

PHIL   4:34 
And when you look at the pictures of the dogs that are your models on the website, the range of personalities, the ones who seem to be just playing to the camera, kind of hamming it up and the ones that are a little more coy about, it's just fun to browse.

Well to your comment what she said. I have five dogs here and three of them would sooner rip my face off than to have me put a piece of clothing on them. So to them, I don't bother. Then I have a dog who that the minute she sees a camera, she's looking over her shoulder. She wants to put on a dress. She wants to look fancy. She loves it.

PHIL   5:24 
Yeah, we've talked about...

She absolutely loves it.

PHIL   5:26 our dog Peaches she's kind of moody. And there are times where you can tell, "Not today." But others where you can tell, "I want to show it off. I'm going to strut this skirt." Or collar or a scarf or whatever we've thrown on her. And yeah, just know your dog. Same way with your kids. Don't put them through pain and misery just for your personal satisfaction for how cute they are. But if they like it, lean into it. Have fun with it.


PHIL   6:00 
With the diversity of items that you have on there, did this website start out fully formed that you had this range of choices? Or did you start small and grow from there? What's the origin story of Bitch New York?

My partner Stacy Braverman had a little tiny dog that she was having a hard time finding things that would fit the dog, or just things that she needed, but for such a small dog. And that's why she started Bitch New York. It didn't start out the massive website that it is now. Because now we have 200 plus vendors. And over 20,000 products.

PHIL   6:52 

Yeah. So Bitch New York now is easily double what it started out as. And somebody could spend a massive amount of time.

PHIL   7:07 
Yeah, you could get lost in it. But if you're looking for something specific, it's easy to navigate. There's clear categories, the search engine, it's...

Good. I'm glad to hear that.

PHIL   7:17's a website that is gonna allow you to find what you want to find and some amazing choices. So how have you gotten your vendors? Are you targeting people who you want to be in your store? Or is it people coming to you saying, "This is where I need to be."?

A lot of people come to us. A lot of vendors come to us because of our name.

PHIL   7:41 
Yeah, it does get your attention.

Yes, it does. And, well, the website has always had a certain kind of appeal, even though we've been around for 15, 16 years now. But even at the very beginning, if you ever said anything about Bitch New York the website, people immediately sprung to attention and they wanted to be part of it. So we don't ever have to go out and find vendors, new vendors, whatever the situation is. They usually come to us.

PHIL   8:23 
To pull the curtain back a little bit, before we went on air, you gave me the option of not using the word "bitch" that we could go BNY. And just for the record, will be linked in the description for this episode. So listeners just click through on our website. You can find it. But in weighing my options, I decided, "Hey, what are we running from?" I love my 14 year old pit bull bitch. And if there's a stigma to that word, that's not my problem. That's not Peaches' problem. And it's certainly not Jennifer's problem. If you have an issue with it, it's your problem.

Exactly. We refer to ourselves as the head bitches. So there you go.

PHIL   9:11 
So yeah, we're reclaiming that word. Sort of a PSA I'm gonna give for our listeners. If you look at the dog bathing suits, you'll have no trouble finding it. You can just do a search for bathing suits. We take Peaches to a waterpark at the end of the season here in Kansas City when they close down. They didn't do this last year for obvious reasons, but I expect they will return to it this year. They turn it over to the dogs for that last weekend because they're going to shut down the filters and stuff.

Oh, fun.

PHIL   9:43 
And there's just dogs swarming around. And we put Peaches in a little swim top that my wife found for dogs and a little swim skirt and she had trouble keeping the skirt on because it wasn't made for a dog. But when you're at a waterpark and there's the swarming everywhere, having a unique swimsuit on your dog makes it a lot easier to track them.

JENNIFER  10:07 
Oh, good idea. Yep, it sure does.

PHIL   10:09 
Because they're in the pool, they're in a swarm of dogs, and you're trying to keep track of yours. The first part of the PSA is the swimsuit is kind of handy for the dog. The second part is get an actual swimsuit for a dog so that it stays on, unlike the complications that Peaches had. So if you go to Bitch New York, there's a pretty fun selection. There's bikinis, board shorts. It's adorable.

JENNIFER  10:36 
Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. They are a lot of fun. And there's also life jackets.

PHIL   10:43 
Mm hmm. Very important if you're getting out there on the water. And Peaches actually does need a life jacket. We should have that for her next time because she has as a pit she has zero body fat, and long, skinny legs. And she doesn't even have the big paws. She has the skinny sort of boxer paws. Have a pit boxer mix. So if she's not going with all fours, she starts to sink like a stone. So when she tries to get out and tries to get a couple paws up on the side, then she starts to sink and you have to help her out. Life vest would address that. So yeah, get your life. Get your swimsuit. What are some of the fun items that are on the site that might not have been there when this was first started? What has become a dog item that might not used to have been a dog item?

JENNIFER  11:30 
Ooh, um, fragrances, probably. We've got a couple of vendors that put out some pretty fantastic smelling fragrances so your dog doesn't necessarily have to smell like a dog.

PHIL   11:46 
Well, I asked that question curious if you'd have an answer, confident that you would. And you did. But I found some items that I thought were just adorable. I don't know that Peaches would go for it but like you said, you have five dogs and there's things they like, things they don't. So know your dog and you decide if a Dog Pawdicure Polish Pen is right for you. There's a whole rainbow of colors to choose from.

JENNIFER  12:14 
Yes, yes.

PHIL   12:16 
And you do have dog nail polish.

JENNIFER  12:18 
Mm hmm.

PHIL   12:20 
I think it would depend on the dog if they would let you do that or not. But I think the idea of a polish pen is probably a lot easier to apply and fast drying.

JENNIFER  12:31 
Yes. Precisely it is fast drying. It's a lot easier to just paint something on with a pen than it is to have to get out the nail polish and all of them are pet friendly.

PHIL   12:46 
Oh, yeah. Because yeah, says right in the description that it's non-toxic, and lists the ingredients. So if you're not sure, you can research it yourself by just looking at the ingredients and Google them. What could be easier, and maybe a fun activity for a kid and a dog. It just takes one layer and is quick drying and you're good to go.

JENNIFER  13:06 
Yeah, and it makes them feel pretty.

PHIL   13:11 
Some people might think that you're being facetious. And I know you're not. But it does make them feel pretty if that's your energy in sharing this time with your dog. And for me, something like a pawdicure isn't just about making your dog look pretty. It's about spending time with your dog and having that fun energy. It makes me sad when I see people walk by my house with their dog and their face is buried in their phone.

JENNIFER  13:41 

PHIL   13:42 
You have this time with your dog. you're committed to having your mind somewhere else.

JENNIFER  13:49 
Right. And it should be a bonding experience more than anything.

PHIL   13:54 
A lot of these fun things, uh, fun treats to share with your dog and not just toss at your dog that, "Hey, here's your treat. You're a good dog." But something that you can have fun with so that they feel special. That they know this is a special treat like a macaron.

JENNIFER  14:10 

PHIL   14:12 
You have strawberry, mint, vanilla, lavender. We had Mixed Mutt Creamery on a couple months ago, which is a ice cream and boutique here in Kansas City on 39th Street and they make their own ice cream there. They talked about how the flavors aren't as intense, but because of the way a dog's nose works — it's not as intense to us, I guess is what I'm saying — you'll taste it it's like, "This is Rose? I'm not even trying picking up rose flavor." The dog picks it up.

JENNIFER  14:44 

PHIL   14:44 
The dog will taste the rose, the vanilla. They don't need it to be as intense as we do because their nose does so much more of the work than ours does. But yeah, just these fun treats for special occasions or maybe not so special occasions. You want to spoil your dog all the time, I'm not going to get in the way of that.

JENNIFER  15:02 
Right. Just because. I always say, out of any of my dogs, they don't ask for anything. They don't expect anything. So therefore, as far as I'm concerned, they deserve everything.

PHIL   15:18 
Kinda like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. That she wasn't going to ask the wizard for anything.

JENNIFER  15:23 

PHIL   15:24 
And since she gets to go home. I think that's how the story goes. But, yeah, in the treat department, there's also special cupcakes with words on them like "Splash" and "Play." But of course, also "Happy Birthday," that you can get a whole selection of birthday cakes.

JENNIFER  15:41 
Personalized even.

PHIL   15:43 
This is an audio only podcast, but I find that it's kind of turning into me just describing everything that's on the website. 'Cause again, it's so much fun and shopping for a gift for a dog lover. I don't think you can go wrong here. You mentioned that vendors kind of seek you out because of the name. They kind of get the vibe and the attitude of the site. What reaction have you gotten from shoppers to the site?

JENNIFER  16:11 
Once you're a shopper on Bitch New York, you're always a shopper on Bitch New York. We make it as easy for you as it possibly can be buying something over the internet. If you have issues with sizing. Because nobody size charts are the same. There's no such thing as a universal size chart for dog clothing.

PHIL   16:33 
And I'm gonna jump in there because we had a coat that we bought for Peaches. And she's 60 pounds, and it will say large is the size for her. It's like, "Well, yeah, 60 pounds is a decent size dog." But there's dogs who are three times her size.

JENNIFER  16:49 

PHIL   16:49 
And she's a large. And then you get the large, and she's swimming in it. The large is big, but these are the measurements on your website and you get the next coat you buy, you get an extra large and it's too small.

JENNIFER  17:02 
Right. Yeah, because none of the designers' size charts match. There's no such thing. It's not like a human who can go and buy, "Well, I buy a large in these pants all the time. So I can buy a large no matter where I go." That doesn't exist in dogs. Because as a designer, when I was designing dog clothing I did from the smallest Chihuahua because I have a three pound Chihuahua to about the size of a French Bulldog. And that was my extra small, small, medium and large. The next person may do from maybe a Shih Tzu to a Great Dane. And that's going to be there extra small, small, medium, and large. So there's such a range. When I have a three pound dog and my brother has newfoundlands who are 160 pounds. There's all kinds of mistakes that can happen because you're buying something online. That's why we make sure that if you have any questions, we even give you a printable tape measure on the website so that if there's any question, all you have to do is you can print out this tape measure. You can figure out what the measurements are. If you still have problems, you can always contact us and we make sure that we're with you all the way through until you get your product.

PHIL   18:39 
You can shop with confidence. Yes, that's wonderful. Another feature I like about Bitch New York is that you give back. Can you tell us a little bit about how you contribute to the welfare of animals through Bitch New York.

JENNIFER  18:57 
We try really hard to give back whenever we can. We have several vendors who part of their proceeds go to whatever foundation or rescue they are associated with. But then we always get requests for whatever foundation is doing an auction and would we participate? And absolutely. Because we've been dealing with ourselves all five of my dogs are rescues and Stacy's dogs. Because we've been dealing with all this kind of issue especially with Chihuahuas, which are top of the list of being turned in to shelters all the time. It hits really close to home with us. So we are very concerned with rescue situations and all of that. So anytime we are asked, we absolutely participate. Because it's all about the dogs for us, period. End of story. It's all about the dogs for us. So whatever we can do to help, whatever situation is at hand, we are more than happy.

PHIL   20:24 
I've found that to be pretty consistent with the different entrepreneurs that we've had on the show. That there are different dog items that we've had from apps to bakeries, and ice cream shops and authors. No one that we've talked to when it's about dogs was doing the — let me put it this way. Nobody settled on dogs because they thought, "Oh, that's where the market is." They started at dogs because they were a dog lover. And then whatever app or store or whatever grew out of that started with them being a dog lover, not because, "Oh, I want to capitalize on dog lovers. So that's what I'm going to market to."

JENNIFER  21:11 

PHIL   21:11 
I want to look for people like me. I want to serve people who love dogs as much as I do.

JENNIFER  21:17 
Right. The interesting thing is, to that point is that when Bitch New York started, and I'm talking 15, 16 years ago, we did it definitely, because of our love for dogs. And it was all about the dogs. Then all of a sudden, somewhere along the line, word got out that it was a whatever billion dollar a year business and all kinds of big business came in and did a number on it. Did a number on the industry.

PHIL   21:56 
That's where you get the cheap products get into the marketplace, the shoddy workmanship from people cutting corners and trying to make a buck.

JENNIFER  22:04 

PHIL   22:05 
And then that reflects on the entire industry. We had Mark Cushing on, who's the author of Pet Nation. You getting into this or Bitch New York starting about 15 years ago, you were, as you're indicating, ahead of the curve. Because that was just before it was really transitioning from people have dogs as pets, and they love them, to they are quite literally part of the family. That we're planning our vacation. We're planning our free time. We're planning how our house is laid out. What car we're going to buy. Everything is influenced by the fact that we have a dog and it's a big part of our lives.

JENNIFER  22:47 

PHIL   22:47 
And you were ahead of that not because — not to undercut your marketing expertise — but not because you were just savvy marketers that "Oh, hey, we're gonna jump on this." But because you love dogs and you wanted to work in that space. And as it turns out, it's a valuable space to be in.

JENNIFER  23:06 

PHIL   23:07 
Nothing wrong with being in the right place at the right time.

JENNIFER  23:09 
Right. But it all of a sudden, all of that, well, we need to be in there because it's a crazy marketing thing. It really turned it into something completely different. But so we're very particular about who we have available on Bitch New York for that very reason. We're still looking for the mom and pop type situations. Where we've got a collar maker who they do it all out of their little facility. They're not buying anything from overseas or anything. They've got a leather worker and they sit there and they put all kinds of crystals all over whatever collar you want. You can choose down to all of the colors of the crystals. And they are absolutely handmade 100% and it's a small company. And that's what we like about what the dog industry was.

PHIL   24:33 
Yeah, we had another online marketplace as a guest a couple months ago. And what we were talking about is that pretty much what you describe there. Try doing that on Amazon.

JENNIFER  24:46 
Yeah, it's impossible.

PHIL   24:48 
To tell them, "Can we customize this a little bit?" Or, "I have this special need." Or "I'm not sure where the product is actually coming from. It's kind of vague here on Amazon." With both that vendor and with you, you have the confidence that you're helping someone who really cares about their product, cares about the dogs. And also, both you and this other marketplace, this is not for someone who's looking for a birthday gift and is browsing around Amazon and goes, "Oh, there's a really cool dog sweater that I think my friend would like." This is kind of like, where you started out with dogs. The shopper is starting out with dogs.

JENNIFER  25:31 

PHIL   25:32 
I know, I want something for a dog lover. And you're not just gonna randomly end up someplace on Amazon that, "Oh, there's happens to be a dog. Oh, I'll go with a dog thing." Here you know, "I'm buying a dog item for somebody who cares about dogs and cares about their product. And I'm gonna help a small merchant."

JENNIFER  25:52 
Yeah, yeah, exactly. And there's something to be said about that. Simply because we get a lot of celebrities. We get a lot of celebrity customers. We are constantly being asked to do things for Beverly Hills Chihuahua for that entire franchise. We're constantly asked for, "We're putting together a basket to give to Oprah Winfrey for her new dogs." And, you know, but...

PHIL   26:22 
My mind races to picture what someone's cart is gonna look like if they're given a budget from Oprah's assistant.

JENNIFER  26:33 

PHIL   26:34 
Or any number of other celebrities or gift bags for the production team behind Beverly Hills Chihuahua. It's like, "Here's your budget. Put together a gift bag." To get to go on Bitch New York and just go nuts.

JENNIFER  26:47 
Right? Exactly, exactly. So it's not unusual for us to get any kind of a celebrity client. But we all know why they're there. Because they're going to find something on Bitch New York that they're not gonna find on Amazon Or on even Chewy. Or whoever it is. It's just not going to exist. We have vendors from all over the world who do one of a kind, fantastic, drop dead, amazing products.

PHIL   27:30 
Well, here's another in a long list of things I like about the vendors that we have on Dog Words. And I've discussed this before. You can go on, whether it's Amazon or Home Depot or any large retailer's website and find things that you cannot buy. Because they have inventory that is not necessarily in stock. I would bet that most of the big box retailers online have more items on their website that are not in stock than are.

JENNIFER  28:05 

PHIL   28:06 
When you're working with someone who's a niche or a boutique, there might be an item out of stock, but only because it's sold out in the last week or two, not because, "We stopped making this two years ago and we just haven't killed that link on our website."

JENNIFER  28:24 
Exactly. Exactly. Well, and part of the inner workings of Bitch New York is that it's really Stacey and myself. I think we probably get eight hours of sleep a night. And the rest of the time is working on what the website looks like and what the inventory is and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And it's just the two of us. So people are always shocked when they call the phone number for Bitch New York and they get me all the time. And now those who know will call and just say, "Hey, Jennifer, what about...?" Okay! Because they're fully expecting to get, "Thank you for calling Bitch New York. My name is whatever."

PHIL   29:18 
And getting lost in a phone menu.

JENNIFER  29:21 
Exactly. And that's not the case here. When I say we are hands on all the time, we are really hands on all the time. And we take great pride in what Bitch New York is and what it looks like and what's happening. And so you're not gonna find a lot of sold outs on our site. If you do it's because, like you said, it just doesn't exist right at this moment. It will.

PHIL   29:56 
That vendor is still a real vendor.

JENNIFER  29:59 

PHIL   29:59 
It's not because there's a supply chain issue to Bangladesh.

JENNIFER  30:04 
Right. Now, of course, because of COVID and whatever that was with the boats getting stuck in the...

PHIL   30:13 
Oh, yeah. In the Suez, and yeah.

JENNIFER  30:14 
Yeah, there you go. We did have some quite sizable hiccups. But everybody's kind of sorted out their own situations. And because a lot of our vendors are doing things in house, that really, for the most part hasn't been an issue. But we know, regardless, everybody dealt with the situations as best they could. So you might still see some sold outs. But it's not because they don't exist anymore. Or...

PHIL   30:56 
It's probably just because they're popular.

JENNIFER  30:59 
Yeah, they're gonna come back. They're just not here right this very second.

PHIL   31:04 
Well, I have no problem with encouraging people to go to multiple vendors. That obviously you're not the only guest we've had on. But I think it's a big enough marketplace with the billions of dollars we spend on our pets, that shop around you'll find something you like on all of these websites, and I guarantee you will find something you like on Bitch New York. Last thing I'm gonna promote before I wrap things up here, Jennifer, the options under sports. Toys. The shirts. The bow ties. The scarves. The pro teams. The college teams, including Ivy League teams.

JENNIFER  31:46 

PHIL   31:47 
You're gonna spend a lot of time if you're a sports fan trying to decide what is the perfect sports — forget about sports gift, what you buy for yourself. Forget about buying gifts for someone else. What you buy for your dog.

JENNIFER  32:01 
Cheerleader outfits.

PHIL   32:03 
Oh, the sock monkeys for different teams.

JENNIFER  32:07 

PHIL   32:07 
Hockey sticks. Chew toy hockey sticks. Plush hockey sticks. Uh, balls that represent your favorite team.

JENNIFER  32:15 
We even have treats that you can have customized if you want a particular team, or you want somebody's number on it, or yeah.

PHIL   32:26 
Think about the conversation starter that's gonna be when you show up at the watch party with custom dog treats. Jennifer Basulto. Bitch New York. Links in the website. Any parting thoughts for our listeners before I let you go?

JENNIFER  32:43 
It's just really all about the dogs, isn't it?

PHIL   32:46 

JENNIFER  32:48 
That's my parting thought. It's all about the dogs.

PHIL   32:52 
And that's perfect. That is what it comes down to. Thank you for being on and I look forward to checking in with you to see how Bitch New York is growing and expanding its offerings and whatever's next for this absolutely delightful website.

JENNIFER  33:10 
Great. Thank you so much.

PHIL   33:19 
I'm Phil Hatterman and you've been listening to Dog Words presented by Rosie Fund.

Thank you to Jennifer Basulto from Bitch New York. Go shopping at the link in the description and follow them on social media. There are also links to the Dog Words episodes I referenced in today's interview. If you find an old episode you'd like, be sure to share it with your friends. There's also a link to the YouTube video of Peaches visit to the waterpark in her swim outfit.

Next time on Dog Words, Chris and Mariesa Hughes tell us how they honor a very special dog with the Mr. Mo project.

A big thank you to alternative string duo The Wires featuring cellist Sascha Groshang and violinist Laurel Morgan Parks for playing the wonderful music you've heard on today's and previous episodes of Dog Words. Supporting The Wires supports our mission. When choosing the music for each episode of Dog Words, I try to find something from The Wires that fits with the tone of that episode. By no means have I played every song from their catalogue. There's much more from The Wires than what you hear on this podcast. Learn more about The Wires at and download their music on iTunes. Check out and learn to play fiddle and cello fiddle online from Laurel and Sasha, even if you've never played before.

Celebrate five years of Rosie Fund by supporting our campaign to sponsor 50 dogs. You can donate on our website or Facebook page. You can also contribute by making a purchase from the website store, buying a t-shirt at, or putting some of our merch in your cart when you shop at BarkYours. Links are in the description. Your donations help fund the Rosie Life Starter Kits that make sure the senior and harder-to-adopt dogs have some of the items they'll need in their forever home.

As always, please download, follow, rate, and share Dog Words. This helps us with sponsorships, then Rosie Fund can help more dogs. Support Rosie Fund by following us on social media. And please subscribe to the free Rosie Fund YouTube channel. Our latest post features a sweet KC Pet Project dog looking for a forever home.

Send us your comments, questions and suggestions at And let us know if you would like to be a sponsor or guest of the Dog Words podcast.

Thank you for listening and remember, we save each other.

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