The DEI Shift

A Native Narrative: Caring for American Indian/Alaskan Native Patients

The DEI Shift Season 2 Episode 2

November is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. We invited Dr. Dan Calac, Chief Medical Officer of the Indian Health Council located in North County, San Diego, on the show to discuss health care of American Indian/Alaska Native peoples in the United States and the importance of medical education within this community.

Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the structure of the National Indian Health Service and the services it provides.
2. Give examples of the unique healthcare needs and disparities experienced by American Indian/Alaska Native populations.
3. Cite systemic barriers to the recruitment and retention of American Indian/Alaskan Native individuals  into medical and scientific careers and best practices to expand the workforce caring for these communities.

Show notes & Transcript available here.
Twitter: @thedeishift
Instagram: @thedeishift

Season 2, Episode 2 Credits:

Co-hosts/Producers: Dr. Brittane Parker, Alec Calac
Executive Producer: Dr. Tammy Lin 
Co-Executive Producers: Dr. Pooja Jaeel, Dr. Tiffany Leung
Senior Producer: Dr. DJ Gaines
Editor: Joanna Jain
Production Assistants: Sanika Walimbe, Sarahy Martinez
Website/Art design: Ann Truong
Music: Chris Dingman