The DEI Shift
The DEI Shift
Houselessness: A Prism for Understanding Healthcare Disparities, Part 2
Join us for Part 2 of the powerful discussion we started at the end of last season (Season 4, Episode 6), with our 2 experts on caring for people experiencing houselessness, James O’Connell, MD, MACP (Boston Healthcare for the Homeless) and Rachel Solotaroff, MD, FACP (Central City Concern- Portland, Oregon).
From the HIV epidemic to the rise of multi-drug resistant TB and the opioid crisis, those caring for people experiencing houselessness and housing insecurity saw the rise of each of these epidemics in their patient populations long before the rest of us. The devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was particularly harsh for those in shelters or unhoused. Some say that caring for those experiencing houselessness reveals the fractures in our healthcare system earlier and more clearly than healthcare in other settings. In our discussion, Drs. O’Connell and Solotaroff describe some of the obstacles faced by these patients and their healthcare providers in obtaining/delivering healthcare, and some of the opportunities to learn from and address these challenges.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify challenges and lessons for both clinical teams and people experiencing houselessness in providing and accessing healthcare.
- Describe different models of housing support and healthcare delivery for which clinicians can advocate in order to support those experiencing and emerging out of houselessness, and to ultimately reach the goal of ending houselessness.
- Discuss some of the challenges facing houseless individuals who are seriously ill and/or at end-of-life, and facing those who are providing their end-of-life healthcare.
Episode Credits:
Guests: Dr. James O’Connell, Dr. Rachel Solotaroff
Co-Hosts: Dr. Marianne Parshley, Dr. Elisa Choi
Executive Producer: Dr. Tammy Lin
Co-Executive Producers: Dr. Pooja Jaeel, Dr. Tiffany Leung
Senior Producers: Dr. Maggie Kozman, Dr. DJ Gaines
Editor/Assistant Producer: Clara Baek
Production Assistants: Nilgoun Farhadi, Leyna Nguyen
Website/Art Design: Ann Truong
Music: Chris Dingman https://www.chrisdingman.com
Twitter: @thedeishift
Instagram: @thedeishift
Website: https://www.thedeishift.com
Email: thedeishift@gmail.com
Continuing Medical Education/Maintenance of Certification (CME/MOC) credits are available as an American College of Physicians national member benefit. To submit for CME/MOC credit for this episode, visit: https://www.acponline.org/cme-moc/cme/internal-medicine-podcasts/the-dei-shift