Part 1: Chuck and Chris Talk Nerve Surgery, technical pearls
The Upper Hand: Chuck & Chris Talk Hand Surgery
The Upper Hand: Chuck & Chris Talk Hand Surgery
Part 1: Chuck and Chris Talk Nerve Surgery, technical pearls
Dec 20, 2020 Season 1 Episode 51
Chuck and Chris

Episode 51.  Chuck and Chris talk about Chris' favorite topic- nerve surgery.  We begin a three part discussion on nerve surgery, focused on a single case and some of the technical aspects of the process of ideal nerve repair.  How do you properly assess a nerve before surgery, how do you decide how to excise the damaged segment and how do you technically excise that segment, and much more.  This is the final episode of season 1.

As always, thanks to @iampetermartin for the amazing introduction and conclusion music. And thanks to Eric Zhu, the Upper Hand intern extraordinaire.

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