
Solar Reflections on Loose Talk: Is Emotional Sluttiness the New Authentic?

Season 3 Episode 12

This week, I rant - I mean discuss - our penchant to indiscriminately share too much information,  online and often in real life.  Not that there's anything wrong with it!

We  may have become a little too confessional for own good, and sometimes, as one friend pointed out to me. "Did you ever think of something and not say it?"

Of course, there is more self-restraint on platforms like LinkedIn, where we try to show up as our most professional selves. Other platforms,  we let those emotional floodgates open, perhaps exposing a little more about us than is necessary. Or healthy.  

When is it okay to reveal all  in order to establish connection? Is it ever okay?  Do we overshare to the point of  emotionally sluttiness?

I ponder these questions, and opine on chronic filterless exchanges of information.  While  a propensity to overshare is often  all too human,  there are times  'discretion is the better part of valor.'