
Can We Talk? Our Lack of Civil Discourse is Killing Us.

June 09, 2022 Liz Solar Season 3 Episode 16

It's now been over two week's since the mass school shootings at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde. Nineteen children, two teachers are dead. More people were injured and the response from many of our leaders? Crickets. Questions avoided. Narratives changed, edited and from this vantage point, fictionalized. 

Worse, when voices are raised to enact common sense gun control reform, they are met with 'now is not the time' or 'let's not politicize this.' How can we remedy what ails our society if we can't even talk about it?

Wednesday's emotional hearing on gun violence, followed by the House's passage of the wide-ranging control legislation, even if the Senate does nothing may signal  a sea change. 

Let's keep talking, reaching out to the other side. Find common ground Nothing changes until hearts and minds are open, receptive and engaged. We can change, hopefully for the better. Civil discourse is a good start.