
Pauline Cheung on Confidence, Leadership and Inclusion

July 29, 2021 Season 2 Episode 22

Confidence. It can be an elusive quality. Especially when we feel like an outsider, or 'other'.  Pauline Cheung knows what it feels like to not fit in, and not feel good enough.  Raised in a white working class town in England, Pauline felt the barbs hurled at her for her Asian heritage. Bullied by peers, she wanted to please her teachers by excelling in academics, and please her parents by taking care of her younger siblings. She discovered her compliance with other people's expectations were not enough. Pauline and I discuss what it takes to develop confidence, how to work with fear to achieve our goals and the value of inclusion in this week's episode. Thanks for listening.

About Pauline:  Cheung,  a women’s leadership speaker and coach is on a mission to show professional women how to trust their voices and create professional and personal success – without conceding to people-pleasing and perfectionism. 

Despite 12+ years as an international executive working with Fortune 500 C-suite and senior-level leaders in the areas of strategy, marketing and business development, Pauline comes from humble beginnings. She knows how challenging it is to step into the unknown and navigate the fear of failure and judgment. Her deep compassion for women wrestling with similar desires and demons helps her coaching clients and audience members break out of their fears and step into full visibility as their unique and brilliant selves. 

Pauline is a professionally certified coach with the Co-Active Training Institute, a leading ICF-accredited organization, and she holds an MBA from Cass Business School. She also serves on the coaching faculty for the LEAP Organization (Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics).