
Part 2 with Confidence Coach Pauline Cheung: Five Comparison Traps and How to Avoid Them

Season 2 Episode 23

Do you suffer from 'Compare and Despair Syndrome'?  Well, give up that nasty habit. Confidence coach Pauline Cheung is back to talk about five common comparison traps, and how you can work to free yourself from them. 

We also talk about how different people perceive courage, and courageous public acts and the subsequent consequences, as we saw played out during the  Olympics, when gymnast Simone Biles pressed pause during  the competition.

We take a look at the benefits of growing organizations that make room for a variety of backgrounds, ideas and lifestyles, as well as thoughts on how we're doing with inclusion in those organizations.

If we teach what we need to learn, Pauline Cheung learned confidence the hard way. As one of the few Asians in a predominantly white town in England, she felt like an outsider, and not free to be herself.  Her college experience introduced her to a world where she found more acceptance, and people who also looked like her.

Through hard work, curiosity and risk taking, Pauline worked as  an international executive working directly with C-suite and senior level executives at leading Fortune 500 companies, including The Walt Disney Company and Ralph Lauren Corporation, in the areas of strategy, marketing and business development.  She now supports professional women to develop the mindset and the skillset to trust their own voice and create professional and personal success,  without conceding to people-pleasing and perfectionism.
