
Embark on Your Third Act: Ageless Entrepreneurs, Intergenerational Mentorship and Starting Now

Season 2 Episode 32

Did you know most startups in the U.S. are launched by people 45 and older?This week's guest, Rick Terrien,  has started and run multiple businesses across diverse industries, with most of the fireworks coming after he turned 45.

You might say he wrote the book on starting a business in mid-life. Check out
Ageless Start-up: Start a Business at Any Age.

He's  passionate about empowering entrepreneurs in the second half of life to achieve their vision. He's a lifelong entrepreneur and co-founder of the new nonprofit Center for Ageless Entrepreneurs (CAE)

We talk about his mission to form a network of the millions of older citizens worldwide who want to use their knowledge, know-how, and networks to make the world a better place through entrepreneurship.  His advice if you want to start a business: Start small.  Start smart.  Start right now.

 Here's a few of Rick's bonafides:

•  One of his businesses is the smallest company ever to be awarded Fast Company magazine’s Fast 50, now called  The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies. 

 •  Awarded the U.S. Small Business New Product of the Year by the National Society of Professional Engineers.

 •  Nine U.S. and foreign patents commercialized worldwide.  Focus on environmental and manufacturing sustainability.

•  AARP Purpose Prize Fellow (“Making a difference is ageless”).

 •  Co-founder – Food21.  Creating sustainable regional food networks.