
Keep Talking: Great Communication Starts at Home with Sharon Costanzo

Season 2 Episode 33

When conversations get heated, or we feel unheard, ignored or ridiculed, we often opt for one of these three strategies: Speak up, Shut up or Walk Away.  Knowing when to take these actions, or if any of these strategies are helpful at all is often not obvious to us. We are creatures of habit, and go with the familiar, often to the detriment of ourselves, and our relationships.

Don't wait for the other person to change tactics. Start with yourself.  How does that happen?  It starts with listening. Life coach and relationship advocate Sharon Costanzo speaks from her own experience as well as her work with couples whose relationships benefit from better communications. 

With so many couples feeling distant, unheard, unappreciated, and overburdened, Sharon offers hope for improving your relationship and getting on the same page in your most important decisions.

Sharon is known for her practical and drama-free approach to the common conflicts and challenges that most couples face. She shares her wisdom and insignts on the Keep Talking Revolution Podcast and offers group courses and private relationship coaching.

We talk about the key to keeping tough conversations on track, solving problems rather than ‘fixing’ people, and how to listen not to react, but to understand.