
Embark On Your Third Act on Gifts: What We Give, What We Bestow

December 15, 2021 Season 2 Episode 40

It’s a season of giving, so what better way to wrap up this season of Embark on Your Third Act, then to discuss the gifts we give, and those we receive. 

 We’re not talking sweaters and socks here. Rebecca, Diana and I address those things money can’t buy: Our attention, kindness, our love. Maybe we put judgment aside and become a little more magnanimous in how we treat each other.

 Thing is, we’re not always aware of our gifts, so how can we pass those goodies around to others? Let’s reflect on that.

 It’s a time of reflection – not just this season, but perhaps this time of life – so think about what you have to give and share it freely, without fanfare and lots of love.

There are those times in life when we face adversity, loss, perhaps a fall from grace. Could there be a gift in that?

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” - Mary Oliver

We could't say it better, and from our own experience, we discover that a 'bad patch' provided a gift, or we didn't appreciate that in the moment we overlooked a gift that was offered. A reminder to be mindful, and forgive the pun, present.

Giving, as they say, is its own reward. It’s also good for your health.  The Cleveland Clinic reports when we donate to charity or volunteer, we receive measurable physical and mental health benefits. Studies show people who give of themselves can lower blood pressure and stress levels, minimize depression, gain higher self-esteem, and even live longer. Not to mention an uptick in those feel-good endorphins and dopamine.

 Likewise, it’s important to receive, whether it’s guidance, a favor, compliment or help. You are worthy.  Don’t deny someone the pleasure of their generosity to you. In the spirit of the season accept kindnesses with gratitude and grace. 

We appreciate your presence, attention, comments and well-wishes from Embark. Thanks for listening.