
Coach Ellie Lane: Let's Set Some Boundaries

Liz Solar Season 3 Episode 2

"We create these stories in our minds...We operate on these stories and one of the common stories is,  'Oh gosh, what if they don't like me?' But that's usually not true. So I'm always working with people on ' What's the story in your head?  And can you ask yourself, 'Is that story really true?' And when we can do that,  that will often help us say the 'No'."

Coach Ellie Lane , LICSW,  business and life coach,  has helped hundreds of  people  build their internal power, confidence, and success; to learn that self-care does not equate with selfishness, that striving for more does not mean striving for perfection, and to discover and live a life by design, not by accident.  

She believes walking the tightrope between driving yourself and loving yourself is harder than it looks. Real success doesn't happen as you juggle "all the things." It happens when you stop perpetuating a cycle of over responsibility. 

Taking courageous steps, setting clear, consistent boundaries, living into your dreams, and seeing and believing in who you truly are can help you build more success.

Today on Embark, Coach Ellie and I talk about the difficulty, necessity and power of setting boundaries, what to look for in a coach -- how to know they're the real deal, or at least a good match for you -- and the differences between coaches and therapists.
