Raiders of the Unknown (Mystic-Skeptic Radio)

Sex, Power, Money, Christians, Jews, Muslims, You: Open Loops Podcast Interview with David Daniel Gonzalez

Mystic N Skeptic

The opinions of the guests of the Open Loops Podcast do not reflect those of the host. But dang, those opinions sure are interesting. David Daniel Gonzalez, Host of Mystic-Skeptic Radio Show/Podcast with David Daniel Gonzalez, joins Greg in holy loopdom to discuss all things spiritual and scientific. 
Find out: 

Has the “mystical” led to some of the most destructive groups in human history?
How dismissive should we be of the supernatural? 
What is Christian hedonism?
Is it possible to casually use the word “parallelomania” in conversation? Take a guess. 

David Daniel Gonzalez is a radio host, producer and researcher who explores diverse topics such as alternative history, ancient mysteries and the Bible. He’s an author of several books in the Raiders of the Unknown series, including Demonology of Ancient Israel: The truth about demons, possession and exorcism, Heirs of the Kingdom: Jewish-Christianity’s Relationship to Second Temple Judaism, and The Messiah Son of Ephraim: & The Gabriel Revelation Tablet. Check out his podcast at: and his website:

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Mystic-Skeptic Radio produces programs such as Uncensored & Raiders of the Unknown. Some of the ongoing series are: Jesus The Israelite, Anti-Semitism Rising & Paul's Legacy (all available on our YouTube channels). In the past 8 years we have featured academics (Amy Jill Levine) , presidential candidates( Howie Hawkins), Commentators (Jay Michaelson) , Advocates (Vanessa Guillen), Scholars(John Dominic Crossan) and Holistic Healers (Rosemary Gladstar). We have taken deep dives on the topics of human trafficking, ancient civilizations, demonology and the occult, social movements, controversial topics and many of the current affairs affecting our society. Join us as as we explore the mystic-skeptic mind space…