VONDT - en podcast om muskel- og skjelettplager

EP 20: MTSS med Ken Fredin

Jørgen Jevne og Stian Christophersen

I denne episoden snakker vi med Ken Fredin om medialt tibialt stressyndrom (MTSS). MTSS ble tidligere (feilaktig) kalt beinhinnebetennelse og i denne podcasten går Ken inn på de mange mytene omkring denne tilstanden. Ken drifter også websiden mtss.no hvor han skriver gode og utdypende fagartikler om emnet.


·       Winters, M. (2017). Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome: Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome Assessment. Utrecht University, 

Meta-analyse av risikofaktorer:

·       Reinking, M. F., Austin, T. M., Richter, R. R., & Krieger, M. M. (2017). Medial tibial stress syndrome in active individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis of risk factors. Sports health, 9(3), 252-261. 

Biopsier av beinhinne, fascia og kortikalt bein:

·       Johnell, O., Rausing, A., Wendeberg, B., & Westlin, N. (1982). Morphological bone changes in shin splints. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1976-2007), 167, 180-184.

·       Bhatt, R., Lauder, I., Finlay, D., Allen, M., & Belton, I. (2000). Correlation of bone scintigraphy and histological findings in medial tibial syndrome. British journal of sports medicine, 34(1), 49-53. 

·       Winters, M., Burr, D. B., van der Hoeven, H., Condon, K. W., Bellemans, J., & Moen, M. H. (2019). Microcrack-associated bone remodeling is rarely observed in biopsies from athletes with medial tibial stress syndrome. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism, 37(3), 496-502.

Beintetthet hos utøvere med og uten MTSS:

·       Magnusson, H. I., Westlin, N. E., Nyqvist, F., Gärdsell, P., Seeman, E., & Karlsson, M. K. (2001). Abnormally decreased regional bone density in athletes with medial tibial stress syndrome. The American journal of sports medicine, 29(6), 712-715. 

·       Magnusson, H. I., Ahlborg, H. G., Karlsson, C., Nyquist, F., & Karlsson, M. K. (2003). Low regional tibial bone density in athletes with medial tibial stress syndrome normalizes after recovery from symptoms. The American journal of sports medicine, 31(4), 596-600.

·       Özgürbüz, C., Yüksel, O., Ergün, M., İşlegen, Ç., Taskiran, E., Denerel, N., & Karamizrak, O. (2011). Tibial bone density in athletes with medial tibial stress syndrome: a controlled study. Journal of sports science & medicine, 10(4), 743.

Det er ingen spesifikke billedfunn for MTSS:

·       Moen, M., Schmikli, S., Weir, A., Steeneken, V., Stapper, G., De Slegte, R., . . . Backx, F. (2014). A prospective study on MRI findings and prognostic factors in athletes with MTSS. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports, 24(1), 204-210.

·       Bergman, A. G., Fredericson, M., Ho, C., & Matheson, G. O. (2004). Asymptomatic tibial stress reactions: MRI detection and clinical follow-up in distance runners. American Journal of Roentgenology, 183(3), 635-638.

·       Winters, M., Bon, P., Bijvoet, S., Bakker, E. W., & Moen, M. H. (2017). Are ultrasonographic findings like periosteal and tendinous edema associated with medial tibial stress syndrome? A case-control study. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(2), 128-133.

MUSIKK: Joseph McDade - Mirrors