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Episode 27: Owning Success: The power of partnering with industry

Nishita Kothary, MD, FSIR | Society of Interventional Radiology Season 3 Episode 27

If you are in the device world and you have a whole bunch of engineers, if you don't give power to your physicians to help you design, what you'll end up with is a device that works for the engineersbut not for the physicians." Laura King, Medical Founder and CEO, Elucent Medical

As part of the new "Owning Success" column in SIR's IR Quarterly magazine, guest host Nishita Kothary, MD, FSIR, speaks with a panel of interventional radiologists involved with clinical trials, industry representatives and others on the value of and keys to building a strong relationship with industry. Panelists include five individuals involved with IR industry:

  • Nadine Abi-Jaoudeh, MD, FSIR
  • James F. Benenati, MD, FSIR, CMO of Penumbra 
  • Laura G. King, founder and CEO of Elucent Medical, Inc. 
  • Fred T. Lee Jr., MD, founder of Elucent Medical, Inc. 
  • Sarah B. White, MD, MS, FSIR 

Read the related article.

Note: This episode was recorded on  Dec. 2, 2021.

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