GCS Podcast

The Whole Truth

March 16, 2020 Season 1 Episode 6

How has the modern church lost its moorings? Has it intentionally severed itself from the Gospel? Can it be re-anchored, or is it doomed to suffer the same fate as the civilisations that have come and gone before us?

 In Paul's first letter to the Corinthians, he called the church the "Body of Christ", because it was to resemble Christ in the world by carrying out the Great Commission. When Jesus entered our world, He took on a physical body to demonstrate the love of God clearly, tangibly, and boldly—especially through His sacrificial death on the cross. After His bodily ascension, Christ continues His work in the world through those He has redeemed—the Church now demonstrates the love of God clearly, tangibly, and boldly. In this way, the Church functions as “the Body of Christ.”

But, how will the church today ever resemble Christ when it so readily refuses to lose its life for him and for the Gospel? Jesus said, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it.” 

Let's join Tony as he explores the truth of the Gospel message, and its essential ingredients. 

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