GCS Podcast

The Man in the Mirror

Season 1 Episode 10

It only takes a look at the news to become overwhelmed by all the trials and suffering in the world today – but as Christians we have a hope that others do not. With that in mind, what can we do as a Christian community to reach out and share love and hope with others? Do you trust that if you share the Gospel your words will have an impact on a person’s life?

The Bible tells us that God spoke our world into existence. Of all the different ways God could have created the heavens and the earth, He chose to do so with words. God took what was nothing and spoke life into it, and from those powerful words brought forth light out of the darkness. We know that God’s words are powerful, for we also read in the New Testament that “the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.” When we stop and contemplate the true power of God’s words, why do we doubt Him? Why do we not believe His promises? Why do we not share the words of the Gospel with others?

Let's join Tony as he tackles those questions.

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