Adventures in Ed Funding

Is More Federal Relief Funding For Schools On The Way?

September 09, 2020 California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO) Season 1 Episode 31

Time is running out for Congress and the President to reach a deal that provides additional coronavirus relief funding for states and schools before the end of the year. 

In this episode, Kevin Gordon, President of Capitol Advisors Group, offer a timely take on the political dynamics in Washington D.C., and the potential implications for California’s classrooms and state budget. Will additional relief be approved? What key differences between the U.S. Senate, the House and the White House must still be worked out? 

Congress passed the CARES stimulus package in late March, but since then it has failed to reach an agreement on a much-needed new round of relief. This week the Republican-led U.S. Senate headed back into session to resume deliberations on a new bill. Previously in May, the Democrat-led House of Representatives passed a new $3 trillion relief proposal, the HEROES Act, which has not been taken up in the Senate. Both the House and Senate have been considering committing about $70-$100 billion of a total new package to help stabilize school budgets, with varying requirements.

Kevin assesses the budget and policy differences between Senate and House proposals to date – and the political calculations that both Democrats and Republicans are making during this election year. Plus, what is the impact on California’s budget, which is counting on additional federal relief, if no new package is approved?


August 20 CASBO webinar: “On the Road to the Next Federal Relief Package” with federal advocate Bob Canavan, principal of Federal Management Strategies, in which we discuss proposed funding to support schools; potential policy changes to reopening schools; and the need to stabilize state and local K-12 budgets.


Widely viewed among the top education advocates in California, Kevin is the President and a founding partner of Capitol Advisors Group. He formerly served as Executive Director of CASBO, and as the Chief Lobbyist and Assistant Executive Director of the California School Boards Association (CSBA). He also served as Chief of Staff to Congressman Robert T. Matsui and as a legislative advocate for the California Building Industry Association (CBIA). He holds a master's degree in public administration from the University of San Francisco.

Kevin also provided a “Brief Hike Through Proposition 98 and School Funding History in California” on Episode 3 of our podcast series.


The California Association of School Business Officials is the premier resource for professional development and business best practices for California's school business leaders. CASBO is dedicated to promoting excellence and professionalism in all aspects of school business.Follow at @CASBO


Paul Richman is a public education advocate and consultant. Contact him at Follow at @pjr100