Shoes Off Inside with MKT (fka The May Lee Show)

#58 - Self-Hate and Internalized Racism

The May Lee Show

This is a recording of an Instagram Live that May had recently on the subject of Self-Hate and Internalized Racism. These issues, in the past, were rarely spoken about especially within the Asian community because of shame, embarrassment and lack of awareness. But when Republican congressional candidate in Texas, Sery Kim, a Korean immigrant, openly said she doesn't want Chinese immigrants here in the U.S. and blamed them for COVID-19, she triggered a fire storm of debate, not only over racism, but specifically racism amongst Asians. What's at the root of this? Are we all guilty of this kind of racism? Have we all suffered from a form of self-hate because of it? Keep in mind that this IG Live was an experiment in engaging with followers and allowing for two way dialogue. May plans more of these open discussions in the future.