Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast

Truck Drivers, This is the easy way to apply. Trucking Companies, stay ahead of the DOT!

December 16, 2022 John Farquhar & Chris Harris Season 2 Episode 46

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Do you want to hire drivers more efficiently and effectively? TenStreet is here to help with our full-service digital solution! We provide a vehicle for employment verifications and integration with ISB for digital abstracts and criminal record searches. Plus, our LMS platform and integration with telematics companies like Samsara and Geotab make it easy to access driver events, hard braking, log violations, coordinates, and videos. And when a driver has an incident, you can quickly engage with them in a positive way to improve retention. Start streamlining your process with TenStreet today!
Marilyn Surber:

Contact your hosts:
John Farquhar
Summit Risk Solutions:
1 226 802-2762

Chris Harris
Safety Dawg Inc:
1 905 973 7056

Keeping it Safety Dawg Simple!
#trucksafety #truckinsurance #truckpodcast
Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Thanks for joining us for another episode of the Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast, where we have your wonderful host, Chris Harris of Safety Dawg, and myself, John Farquhar of Summit Risk Solutions. Today's guest. Somebody special, really special. She looks like she could freeze something with her stare, but don't be fooled by that because she comes from the Southern us. She's got a warm heart. Warren Hospitality, we're gonna bring on here Marilyn Surber of TenStreet. Now TenStreet is a tool that you wanna have to make sure your drivers are in compliance, and it'll also help you to. Marilyn, how you doing?

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Hi John. Thank you so much for that warm welcome. I'm so happy to be here.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Good deal. See you. It's great that we were able to get you up here into our Canadian studios. You know where it, it is a little cold outside, but we did put an extra log on the fire here for you to be warmer today.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

I appre. That's why I wore my Santa Hat.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Good deal. Good deal. How you

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

doing? Chris? And Marilyn's wearing her Santa hat, so I had to put a hat on as well just to, so that she wouldn't out style us. Yes,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

exactly. I've got my hat on. It's invisible. It's a halo.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Well, that's what up. Go

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

ahead Marilyn. I said, I see John Halo, don't you,? Chris Harris, Safety Dawg: Yeah,. Let's leave it at that. Marilyn, we're gonna be talking about TenStreet and as I said, uh, pre-recording there, I'm a little upset with you because, John's had a huge education in TenStreet and I know nothing about it, so you're gonna have, I'm gonna have to rely on you to give me an education on. What is TenStreet and how does it help trucking companies? Well, I'm glad you asked Chris. Um, TenStreet is a software solution that connects carriers and drivers by managing, helping carriers manage the entire life's. Cycle of a driver's career, and it also helps the driver manage the entire life cycle of their career. And so what I mean by that is our solution starts with a digital application and really with your marketing, right, you can use that digital application. Place it anywhere that you want your app, your, your advertising for drivers, drivers, fill out that app and then it comes into a dashboard where you can then from that dashboard do everything you need to do to hire a driver all electronically. You can run all the reports and everything that you need, um, through integrations that we have with companies like ISB Global. Um, those documents come back. So it starts to build a pre-hire driver qualification file, compliance file, right. That will follow the, follow that driver through post-hire. We have a full service LMS, we have a full service, a post-hire safety solution complete with fuel management and surveys, and we have. Um, integrations with safety, telematics companies and direct F M C S A, um, on the US side so that you can get all of that information on a driver in one place so that you can make sure you're making the right decisions, whether those be hiring decisions, coaching decisions, training decisions, termination decision. You have the data points on your driver in one place, and you create a process and visibility from a safety and compliance standpoint that, um, that workflow that just kind of doesn't exist. If you're going into five or six different systems to manage the compliance of a driver, you're missing, you're going to make mistake. You miss things. And so we're consolidating all of that into one dashboard to make it easier for fleets to hire drivers, retain drivers, and you know, manage their post-hire performance.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

All right, so first of all, you used an acronym in there, whether you realize it or not. Lms. Lms. I assume that means learning management system. It does,

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:


Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

So you said TenStreet is integrated with a learning management system. Explain.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

So we have, um, we have our. System. And so we have our own, um, training content that you can deploy, that you can use to train drivers. Um mm-hmm.. We also have automation associated with that. So I know, um, in Canada, drivers aren't subject to csa, but when they're crossing the border, they are subject. Right? Mm-hmm.. And then you also have telematics violations. You can actually automate some of that. We call it infraction to action. Mm-hmm.. So if a driver gets a violation, an infraction, once it hits the dashboard, meaning your carrier dashboard, it will automatically assign a corresponding training. So if a driver gets a speeding violation, when that comes in automatically a speeding training will be assigned to the. And so then we talk about workflow and automation that's happening automatically because of the interdependence of the solution.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Now, see, you've hit so many buttons there. I don't know what John's mind, but this week I was doing a, uh, a client review for one of the, uh, captives and the safety person I was with, he said, do you know any good software where I can, uh, automate and digitalize my driver? file?.. And at that time I said, no. So this, go back to him. What's that? Mm-hmm.. Marilyn Surber, tenstreet: Go Well that's what I mean. So it sounds like that's exactly what TenStreet is. Yes.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

It's exactly what it is. I mean, really in today's age, you have to have access to information where you. Right. Mm-hmm. kind of long are the days that somebody is going to wait for you to go into the terminal and dig through a filing cabinet, right. To get the information you need, especially if you have an accident. Mm-hmm., when you have an accident, the wait, you know, the timeliness in which you respond makes all the difference. Mm-hmm., I mean, you guys know that, right? How quick do you get in front of that and start, you know, doing., you know, getting in front of the claim and mm-hmm., you know, getting that, downloading the data and saying, Hey, were we right or were we wrong? Cuz either way we wanna get out there and respond appropriately right. As as we can. And if you don't have access to information, if it's in a locked box somewhere and you have to log into. Five different places to get all the information around the driver who had the accident. That's gonna delay you. And I don't know about you guys, but in my experience, bad accidents don't happen at two o'clock in the afternoon on a Tuesday. No,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

no, no. Not usually.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

No. Until you know you're at home or it's the middle of the night, or ho, you know, or something like that. And yep. That's the world that we live in. You have to have access to information. It's changing in real time and you. to adapt to that. And so a digital, um, compliance file is a, is really, it's, it's the standard, you know, it's the industry standard now. Mm-hmm., it's what you need to be moving toward to make sure all your files are compliant. I mean, think about, you know, the log mandate, the ELD mandate, right. That's, that's, mm-hmm., it's going back at the beginning of the year, right. In Canada. Yep. I mean, if, you know, as regulations, they're pushing things that way as well to say, Hey, Electronically, uh, you know, on the US on our side of the border, there's a lot of states you have to fill out information electronically. You wanna get, or third party , you can't even submit it. It has to come electronically. And so, I know different, I think things are continuing to trend that way, so mm-hmm., uh, get ahead of it, especially so you don't miss anything. Yeah.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:


John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

well, he inconvenience. Yes,

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:


Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

And I'll tell you a, a quick little story from my trucking days. When I was a safety manager, um, in the Southern States we had 800 trucks. So we were in a small fleet, but in the southern states we were doing a run that we normally wouldn't be in and right damned if we don't have a little crash. And it was a small crash, but that state trooper called me up on the phone and you can tell by their voice and attitude. You know, he's dealing with a foreign company and he has no idea. Anyways, I said, look, he was asking me about the driver qualifications. I said, would it help you? I said, you could subpoena the driver file, right? He says, yes, yes. I said, well, how about I just fax it to you? Because that's how long ago it was. It was a fax. Mm-hmm.. Mm-hmm.. I said, how about I fax you the driver file and. He said, would you do that? I said, of course. So I immediately did and I followed up with a phone call about 20 minutes later. I said, did you get my facts? Yeah. Geez. You guys know what the hell you're doing, don't you? like all of a sudden, and I'm sure that act got my driver out of a ticket. Mm-hmm. now we ended up not getting ticketed, but just the fact that I could show that we had good quality driver, uh, qualification files. change that officer's attitude a hundred percent. Yeah. Because all he knew was this Canadian trucking company. Mm-hmm. Just had a crash in his state.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Yep. Absolutely. It gives your company credibility and it, I mean, it makes knowing it, um, it makes me sleep better at night. Right. Knowing that, you know, have access to this type of solution that it makes our whole industry better because anytime.. An accident like that happens anywhere, whether it's in the US or Canada, and a fleet can do something like that or show mm-hmm., this what we did that improves the image of our entire industry. Mm-hmm. Because, mm-hmm.. Troopers and you know, people like insurance folks, they're starting to say, oh, these, these folks do know what they're doing, right? Mm-hmm., they're able to in one click almost submit a file or you know, get it over in front of people and it gives, it protects you, it gives you credibility, it improves, you know, the overall image for all of us.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Yep. And one of the other things you mentioned there that you kind of just slid by is you are in partnership without the word, with ISB. Our friends over. Making eligibility easy. Yes

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

we are. So, um, when we decided to move, um, to start doing business in Canada and wanting to get involved with you, wonderful folks, we really wanted to make sure we could offer something that was different, right? We didn't wanna come up and just be, um, another company or another salesperson calling on the carrier, right? They have. To deal with and we really pride ourselves on being able to offer a full service digital solution that allows carriers to be able to do everything electronically. And so our partnership with ISB allows us to do that because of technology through the MEE platform, which allows a driver to, um, sign a picture of their driver's license electronically and get those digital abstracts in can So, Integration. We didn't, it wasn't, a lot of our stuff is, is is great and it's awesome, right? But we felt like that was a really key piece to be able to hire a driver more efficiently and effectively than you can do any other place. And then the rest is after that, you know, our right, that's all the same, for the most part. Do all of those things electronically. You can manage the file electronically. You can assign the training. All of that. Um, so that was a really important piece for us, um, in our competitive differentiator in the Canadian market.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

I really wanted to ask if, if I'm using TenStreet, am I getting like reference checks done by you and I'm getting the driver abstracts and criminal record searches supplied by you?. Marilyn Surber, tenstreet: So we What we do is we will, uh, we provide the vehicle for you to order those employment verifications. Mm-hmm., now we can do them on your behalf. Um, if you wanted us to, that's a different, that's a, um, kind of separate from. all of our other services. That would just be like an add-on service. If you wanted us to handle that for you, we could handle it for you. And then, um, the abstracts, again, we're partnering with I sb and so you would run the process through our system. Right. But you would actually, they would come from, I, SB would be the person who fulfilled those. Huh. Well, it's cool because there are pain in the butt to get, especially if the driver is coming from other jurisdictions other than Ontario, you know? Mm-hmm. the home, it doesn't matter. The home province may not know how to get abstracts if it's an Alberta company may not know how to get them from Ontario, for example. Right. Or isb. Mm-hmm. just does it all.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Yep. That's. and you've run all of that. If you are using TenStreet, you run it all through one platform. Right. You know, and so it also creates, it streamlines your process, but it also streamlines the process for the driver. Right. So that the driver then, while they're trying to gain employment, it makes it easier for them and in an environment. Mm-hmm. where it's so tough to hire drivers. Right. You really do have to make it easy to do business with you for the driver, and this is, this is a big part. So, I mean, I think it's amazing you guys can get drivers to hand walk in documents. I mean, if we had to do that in the US we would never hire anybody. I mean, I can't even imagine. So the fact that you guys can get drivers to do that, kudos

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

to you. Well, And that does work, but it's a lot better if you pull them shortly after hire so that you verify what the driver walked in with. Mm-hmm. is what the truth is. Yeah. So that's one thing. Now, the other process that I wanted to get you to describe a little bit more was the integration that you have with the SMS system and the l m. So safety management system, uh, if you've got a D O T number and then mm-hmm., you said, if an event happens like a speeding ticket mm-hmm., then the driver automatically gets notified that they've gotta complete some training.. Mm-hmm.. Marilyn Surber, tenstreet: So we have, own, our own, um, proprietary technology. Um, it's, it's native in our system and it's our content that we developed. And so, um, our integration is with, um, F M C S A, so the CSA portal, right, for sub compliant safety and account. And so whenever A D O T violation is issued, right, whether that's a speeding ticket or if it's off of an inspection or anything that comes through that CSA portal, right? That's happening by a D O T officer. That will ping each day we get that information right, and when we get it, it, that's where the automation happens. So if a ticket hits or a vi, you know, some type of, um, infraction hits for, let's say for John Farquhar.. Then it's like, oh, well John, then he needs this, this training. Mm-hmm.. And so that's how the automation works. It's, we have it mapped, right? We have a list of all of the violations and what their codes are. Mm-hmm.. And then if a driver gets this violation, this is the training class that they need and we continue to update it. Right. As we develop more training content, sometimes we might have something that's a. Fit than we did before. Right. You know, or as regs change and as violations are added, you know, we see new ones all, you know, that we haven't seen before at least. And so then we go in and fill it, fill that in. And so that's how that works. And then on the safety side, with our telematics integrations, we're integrated with companies, um, like Samsara, Geotab, ly. We were talking about motive a little bit earlier, and so with through our integration with those telematics companies, fleets are able to, um, receive those hard breaking events, those log violations, those coordinates. The, um, I always say drive cam, drive cam footage. I know that it's bigger than drive cam footage now, but I'll, I'll forever probably say that they can view those videos in their dashboard, right? And then in one click they can assign training. They can send an. A, an acknowledgement to the driver to acknowledge what's what they, what's happened. They can initiate a video call, right. If they needed to do a coaching right there with the driver. Yeah. Or they could say, Hey, John, you were doing exactly the right thing. Because a lot of times the driver is doing the right thing. Right. It just triggers an event. And so it allows them to do all of that in one place. Cool. And further, what it really does is it documents that process along the way for the carrier, which is a game changer when we think about compliance and if. if you were to be involved in any type of lawsuit, accident, verdicts, nuclear verdicts, . That's exactly right. You know, we're changing the story that we're telling and this is how you're doing that. Whenever the more fleets that, um, encounter, you know, or the more that plaintiff's attorneys encounter. Fleets with doing what you were talking about earlier, right. With these compliant, you know, driver qualification files in this really tight process around how they manage driver events. And obviously we're training drivers and we're doing all of these things, the less and less ammunition these attorneys have in nuclear cases. Mm-hmm.. John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:. Mm-hmm.. I wanna, I wanna jump in on something here because you, you triggered something for me and I wanna dig a little deeper. Okay. with the integration to the SMS system. Mm-hmm., so CSA scores and all that is, is that related? So, so when that information comes through from F M C S A, is it information that is related to the motor carrier's d o t number, or is it related to the driver's name?

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

So it is related to the driver's d o t number and their name, right. And their name. So they, okay, so is, so whenever the driver is pulled over for an inspection or speeding or whatever, um, That driver is linked in sms, right to that D O T number. So anything that happens while they're working for that fleet, they will get notified of.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Okay, so hold that thought. Okay. What if that driver happens to be working for another carrier, let's say moonlighting on the weekend and doing some work for another? Has an issue, violation of some sort, speeding or whatever. Mm-hmm., would that still come through, even though that is associated with a different U S D O T number? Could that possibly come through the system through TenStreet and flag me to go, Hey, and then you can go, hang on. That driver wasn't even on duty for us at the time.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Absolutely. So if you, you are able to see that, cuz that does happen sometimes drivers, you know, or they just change companies. Right. And for some reason it just hasn't got migrated over. And so Yes, you'll get a left. That's right. That's right. Exactly. So you'll get a report and so you'll be able to Yes. To see that. And then there's a process, right, where you could say, oh, this isn't my driver, and go through and get that removed from your scoring.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Right. Okay. So, cause one of the things that I'm thinking of, I, I'm, I'm always the devil's advocate. I'm looking for the bad guy. Right? Absolutely. My, my investigative process is always looking for the bad guy. So if I got a driver who's working for me and all of a sudden he's got the weekend off, or he is on vacation this week, right? And, and now all of a sudden I've got a system that if he gets involved with an incident or a violation or something like that, and I can be pinged on that, that's huge because now of a. He could be violating the hours of service rule on my side of the table because he's moonlighting for somebody else and he's not let those other people that know he is working for somebody. So he is in violation regardless. Yeah, absolutely. Yep. You know, or the fact that he got involved in a crash or he is had a violation of some sort, and I'm going. Hang on. I now want to ask how often does this happen? You know, how often are you moonlighting for these people? You're supposed to be home doing your reset, and here you are trudging up and down the highway. So yeah, so that's key because that you can't even get off the public website.. Right, right. The public, all you're gonna get is what's associated to your U S D O T number. Yeah. Here I got an opportunity to catch those bad characters, um mm-hmm., you know, that can be a problem. And, and, and they're, they're very far and few between those bad characters. They are. They are. They're the ones, they're the ones that can put you into a nuclear verdict.. Marilyn Surber, tenstreet: Yeah. And these are things that close down trucking companies, right? Yes. That nuclear verdicts, bad accidents where people, where client, you know, carriers are non-compliant. That is the, I mean, there's not very many things, you know, that can mm-hmm., you know, in one swoop shut down a com, a trucking company, but Right. That's definitely one of them. And it, it only takes one bad character mm-hmm. to put your company at risk. Yeah.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Yep. So Cool. Before I ask my next question, We talked about enough about the safety and the management part of TenStreet, cuz I got a question. Um,

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

I think so. I think that the only other thing that I would say about our safety management system is that, is that it is allowing you to. really see the pre-hire and post-hire safety picture of your driver. Mm-hmm.. And you know, because of things you just, like what you just said, incidents don't happen in a bubble, right? Mm-hmm., none of them do. Mm-hmm.. And so you have to take that into consideration and you can't neglect what the driver came to you with. Mm-hmm. because that matters. And so I think being able to see that through line visibility. Is is something that doesn't exist anywhere else. It just doesn't. Right. And because of the nature of our platform, and it changes the way you can interact with your drivers in every, in every instance. And also I think thinking about how safety and retention are tied. mm-hmm., right? To be able to engage drivers in a positive way after an incident, after a safety incident, so that, you know, we know when a driver has an incident like that, they are more likely to leave. Whether that's because they're afraid of getting fired.. So they go look for another job, or because they think they've done something so egregious that they're gonna get, you know, that they're gonna get fired or they're scared, they don't wanna do anything else, so they quit. Um mm-hmm., you know, this allows you to have visibility when those things are happening. And again, in that same platform, with that same click, say, Hey John, I just wanted to head chaise with you. I know you had this, you know, but how's everything else going? Right? Mm-hmm. warm and fuzzy is what we used to call it. Right? Warm and fuzzy, that driver, and get your arms around., um, to improve retention. Yes. So I think tying sa not only pre-hire and post-hire, but safety incidents mm-hmm. mm-hmm. and retention together. Um, when you start to really watch some of that, you can see those correlations and our system will help you, um, get in front of that stuff. There.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

There's some big dollars associated with, uh, driver turnover and a lot of companies can't seem to realize that because. They don't track their turnover very well. They just know they're hiring drivers, but you know, they don't really look at what are those soft costs and. I anywhere between five to$10,000 and more closer to the$10,000 mark to hire a driver. And you know, 50 of those a year. Wow. That gets pretty darn expensive. Quick John.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

And if they leave really early, they don't even ever pay for themselves, right? Yeah. You know, so you have to, um, figure out how to keep them, at least for a period of.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

John, I disagree with you. I think 10,000 is not nearly enough. Oh really? I think place driving numbers up, I think it's 13 to 15,000 anyway.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Wow. Okay. Cool. Good. Good

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

to know. Good. And Chris, I would tend to agree with you, I mean with the soft cost, I mean even just thinking about some of the things for training drivers around travel orientation costs, all of those, those costs have gone. So much in the last couple of years. Oh yeah. I mean, I know when I was out of fleet it was $10,000 and that was almost four years ago. Yeah. And so with inflation, you're probably right, it's that 13. Well,

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

fuel, fuel costs, uh, supply and demand parts, fuel, uh, equipment costs and whatnot. Cuz you know, we all have to road test a driver. Fuel involved. There's the cost of that equipment and you know, the wear and tear on that equipment. Just doing that, that road

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

evaluation. Well, one of the things that many carriers never, uh, take into account is the cost of the salary of the recruiter. But how about the footprint? You know, that recruiter's got a computer, a telephone, they, um, Rent for their office. Mm-hmm., like if you allocate all that kind of stuff from the printer in the, in the pieces of paper and Oh, sure. Anyways, the question I wanted to ask Marilyn was in the beginning she implied or alluded to that there's an advantage to the driver for, um, being in the TenStreet.. Mm-hmm., did I hear that right? And do you wanna expand on that? You did.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

I do. So our driver pulse network, we have over 1.5 million drivers in that network. Most of them US drivers, right. To be fair. But we are, you know, um, we're growing, starting to build. Yeah. We're growing that Canadian network as we speak. It's growing every day. Right. And so we're excited about that, but the power of that network is really important. But how it helps a driver is, um, it, it's an online career management app, right? They can store all of their documents there. So those CVOs and those abstracts and the, the med card and those physicals, those training certificates, all of those documents that they get, that they have to present, whether it's annually to the same carrier, right? Or if. When they change to another carrier, it allows them to store and build their profile if they will, if you will, so that they can then take that with them. and it's mobile, right? If they wanna apply for another job, they have that and they can do that, right? Mm-hmm., it makes it easier for them to keep track of all of those things. Also, it helps them in their recruiting process, meaning they can follow the recruiting process all the way through. So if a carrier is hiring them, If they're applying through driver pulse, then they can see, oh, this is what's happening. It's a communication. They can submit all those documents electronically, so then the driver doesn't have to go stop and fax anything either, right? Mm-hmm.. And then when something, um, gets updated, it's the same thing. They take a picture of it. Now, what we do for fleets is we have a post-hire mode for. So that when they hire a driver, it changes them into a post-hire mode. So then when they go to Driver Pulse, they're seeing that fleet's information, right? So they're not at risk of going, you know, to get bombarded by other companies to apply for a job, right? It's, that protects them and then the fleet can then communicate with them to say, Hey, you know, policies change. All kinds of things that fleets need to communicate out to drivers, right? And so, um, that they need to document that it's happened and this allows them to do that in real time, um, and kind of set that call to action for the driver in the recruiting process so that they know where to go to get that information, to sign those documents, to do all that throughout their entire career at that company.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Okay. I think that's cool.. Mm-hmm.. Yeah. You know, cause it makes. For me, if I was a driver applying for a job, if I was already in the TenStreet system, that should speed up. Mm-hmm. the, the whole process.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

It does it, it definitely does. Um, especially because, I mean, I was a recruiter and, you know, taking those applications over the phone. Takes about an hour. I mean, that's a long time. I mean, especially, you know, most drivers don't just apply to one place. They usually apply to a couple of different places. And so that could be 3, 4, 5, 6 hours, right? And, um, to fill out applications. And so with this, it makes it much easier and much more efficient. And they don't have to remember, oh, five years ago, what violation did I have? You know, those types of things. They. Fill that out information once, and then they update it as they.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Yeah. I, I think that's huge. Uh, big benefit to drivers, because let's be honest, uh, if you do apply to, let's say two or three companies mm-hmm. um, they're the ones that you chose to apply to, well, usually the first one that says, you are hired, when can you start, is the one that's gonna get the driver. Yes. Yes. And so if they can speed up their whole process, That driver on board, they're more likely to be the one to win the lottery because it's hard to hire drivers.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

That's right. And that's exactly right. And that's what carriers realize when they implement our system. They can hire drivers faster because it's much easier for drivers to apply.. It just is. I mean, I don't know about you, but I am not gonna spend an hour filling out your online application. I'm just not going to. If it takes me that long to apply for your company, I'm going on to the next one. And I may not have that luxury right with my, you know, liberal arts degree, but Dr. You know, drivers do have that luxury, right? They could go on to the next, to the next company. They don't have to spend all of that time applying for your.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

So once I filled out the application on TenStreet, then if I decide to switch jobs, all I have to do is update the application. Say this was my last employer, and then I'm y. You

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

can update your profile, but you still have to apply to the carrier specifically. So we take data privacy and data security very seriously. Right? And so your information is only yours. It doesn't get pushed to any carrier until you say, yep, I'm interested in seaport. Yep, I'm interested in challenger. So you would have to apply separately to each carrier., right, but you would, your application would be there, you know, 90% of it would already be complete. All you would have to do is then answer challenger specific questions. Mm-hmm. or seaport specific questions every carrier asks. The same questions, but then they all have their own specific questions that they

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

ask. Right, right. Well, I like having my application form 90% done.. John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions: Yes.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Mm-hmm.. Chris Harris, Safety Dawg: Absolutely. I'm human. And I think we are all basically the same, that if there's a shortcut, a legal mm-hmm. ethical shortcut, we'll take it. I mean, who wants to do it twice or six times? No one. Yeah. And we all try to remove redundancies in our life. Right. I don't wanna sit and type the same thing over and over and over again, you know? Mm-hmm. and, and we have technology. that again, we, that technology is available, it's readily available, right? Mm-hmm.. And so it's about fleets adopting it and putting these digital processes in place. And that's, that's where the market is. And that's really what drivers, I think, expect in today's market. Mm-hmm.. Yeah.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

No, that's awesome. Marilyn, last word, what? Have we covered everything that you wanted to get out to the,

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

the public? Yeah, I think.? Yeah, I think so. Um, I'm just, I'm really excited. Thank you guys for having me on. We love Canada and I've really enjoyed, uh, my travels back and forth and I feel like an honorary Canadian. And so we're, we're really excited to, you know, to see what the future holds and continue to, to do business in Canada and learn more and be able to meet the needs of the, the trucking industry specifically north of our border.. Wow.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Cool. Good deal. And see, you've gotta, hopefully you've got your Tim Horton's mug.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Not yet, but I do love Tim Horton's. I go, when? As soon as I land in Pearson. Right. That's, I get, that's my first stop is Tim

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Horton. Well, and it's not just Pearson. I mean, you've been out to the East coast already. Mm-hmm., uh, from TenStreet because you were out with our friend Kelly Henderson, uh, one of her events.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Yes. They do a great job. If you're not, if you have never been to one of Kelly Henderson's. Then you definitely, uh, need to get out there because they do an amazing job without putting on an event. So, yeah. Cool.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

No, and John, it's time. Let's take our hats off to our guest . Yes.

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

Oh, there's that halo.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

We'll take our hats off to our guest. From TenStreet. Well, it is it, you were the one that came on with the hat, so I thought I'd join you with the hat. There you go. There you go. Well,

Marilyn Surber, tenstreet:

I appreciate that. Thank you guys so much for having me on this Friday afternoon. And if I don't talk to you again before the holidays, have a happy holiday season.

Chris Harris, Safety Dawg:

Um, Merry Christmas.

John Farquhar, Summit Risk Solutions:

Thank you very much. Merry Christmas to you. I have to thank Marilyn Surber of TenStreet for coming on the show this week. I didn't know anything about TenStreet. And now I got to say, this is the way to be bringing drivers on board. So thanks very much Marilyn and Merry Christmas to you all. This'll be the last show. The last time. Trucking risk and insurance podcast is on the air this year and we will be back. Uh, in the first week of January of 23. So to all of you, uh, all the best of the holidays and happy new year, thanks for tuning in. That's it for this week. Uh, trucking risk and insurance podcast.

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