Trucking Risk and Insurance Podcast

36. Virtual Thanksgiving Safety Meetings Planned for Professional Truck Drivers

October 16, 2020 Chris Harris, The Safety Dawg Season 1 Episode 36

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For over three decades KRTS Transportation Specialists Inc. and Chris Harris, Safety Dawg have been delivering in-house Driver Safety Meetings for their companies, corporate customers and their drivers during the American Thanksgiving. This year that will be tough to do with all the COVID-19 safety guidelines and protocols the government has put in place.

Together, KRTS and Safety Dawg have come up with both a timely and affordable solution for companies and their drivers. Through Research and Development, they have determined that companies and insurers alike, both support and embrace the idea that ongoing and regular Driver Safety Meetings and education are important to the insurability of trucking companies for meeting compliance.
These Driver Safety Meetings will be held virtually twice over the American Thanksgiving weekend on November 27th and 28th allowing companies and drivers the flexibility to choose a date that works best for them. The meetings will both run from 10 am - 12 noon EST.

Topics will include: Winter Driving and Speed and Space Management which is always timely before winter and appreciated by the drivers. These topics are led by Chris Harris of Safety Dawg. KRTS and Safety Dawg are thrilled to announce Kerri Wirachowsky, the Director of Roadside Inspection Program for the CVSA will educate the drivers on ‘How to Have an Exceptional Experience at the Weigh Scales’ followed by Pre and Post Trip Inspection expectations across North America.

Chris Harris states “Different times require a different way to deliver. Truck driver training is an essential component of your fleet’s safety program. The need for great, documented training has not gone away. In fact, I believe that the need is even greater today because drivers have much more on their minds, distracting them from driving.”

Registration has been made very simple for drivers and companies and has been made very affordable.
1 Driver $49.99               10-19 Drivers $499.00                      20 and above $899.00

There will be a Certificate of Completion for those who attend.
Matt Richardson added, “During these unprecedented times we have to find new ways to ensure Professional Drivers are able to continue receiving ongoing education that helps keep the drivers, our roads, and the general public safe. These virtual safety meetings provide an opportunity for companies to invest in their drivers while also helping to improve fleet safety and meet insurance requirements at the same time.”

For more information contact Kim Sytsma- Hill at KRTS at 800-771-8171

Keeping it Safety Dawg Simple!

And welcome to another episode of the Dawg On It Trucking Pawedcast. We have a big announcement being made today, and we have our guests, Mister Matt Richardson of care T S who has chosen to this platform to make it immense, but awesome, Matt Welcome how the heck are you doing? Hey, Chris, I'm great. Thanks for having me. Have really appreciate that. The exposure we're going to get here. Well, I I'm excited because obviously I know what the announcement is already and the is something that has been worked on for a while. But before we get to that announcement, let's just talk a little bit about KRTS and Matt Richardson and I guess the question that's on my mind, the most, and for our viewers who don't Okay or T us as a truck driving school, it is that, how do I say it properly? Yes. Yeah, Yeah. But I think that's one part of what we do. Absolutely. We are a private registered private career college, and a part of that is offering program's for individuals to get there yet. And these are the licenses, right? Yeah. And what else does KRTS offer? So we offer a wide range of training under our, our private career college. Registration we have seven registerd programs at a vet training, these ed training, heavy equipment, combination programs, dispatch programs, ah, so wide variety of, of programs under our, our registered school. Uhh, and then we also have a corporate training side where we deliver that many different educational services and consulting services to companies that in both Canada and United States And it's corporate training side. Why were here just to give it a little teaser or the audience, how has COVID affected KRTS Yeah, it's definitely had, he had an effect like a, like it has on most businesses, we were forced to two shut down, buy the ministry who, who, who oversees us. Ah, so that, that obviously has had a major effect on, on business. And that's on the student side. Then on the corporate side, you know, company's just worked for a number of months interested in having third party providers come onsite to deliver training due to the, the safety concern. So we did some, some virtual training, both corporately and classroom wise for our students. But other than that, for, for a little while, their, there wasn't much a much going on. Fortunately, since we were able to, to reopen things have been going, going, good things have been steady a the student side, it has been great. The corporate side has been, been picking up continuously. We're continuing to look at new and innovative ways to be able to get our services out to our, our customers and partners, obviously like many other places, the number of safety protocols and procedures that are in place now I'm go well above and beyond what was in place before, you know, COVID was a thing, but we wanna make sure not only our, our students and the company's that we're delivering training too are safe, but you know, our team here at <inaudible> is like a family to us and have, and most important. So we want to make sure they're, their safety is in front of mine as well. Yeah. And I know part of what you're talking about, you're referring to our, our mass mine is never very far away from me anymore, you know, but anyway, you're a year to make an announcement and why don't we get right into it? Awesome. Yeah. We're, we're very excited at KRTS about this Chris this is a partnership with KRTS and yourself at Safety Dawg Mmm. To deliver a couple of virtual drivers safety meetings over the American Thanksgiving long weekend. Umm, going back a number of years, you know, long before my time at KRTS I'm the American Thanksgiving weekend and we're always full of Driver Meetings for us going on site to companies, delivering educational material to their drivers. And I know that's something you've done over a lot of American Thanksgiving weekend as well, Chris. So, you know, obviously with, with COVID having a large number of people together is not a, not a safe option. Company's are looking for other ways to get educational material in front of their Drivers These Driver Meetings or something that a lot of insurance companies require. You know, they're to say you don't care about COVID is that isn't the right wording. Om, they aren't letting code, but the fact that they're requirements for what companies need to provide their, their drivers in order to make sure that, you know, that risk is staying in a, in a place where they, they remained insurable So we, we looked at this and again, that in partnership with you thought, why can we not do these Driver Meetings virtually, why can they not be open to multiple companies at the same time and gives us the opportunity to get some very important educational information out to these drivers? Yeah, I think that's awesome. I mean, again, you're doing it virtually and allowing companies to keep their employees and they're a driver for safe or as safe as possible during these times is I think really important. And so I think that was the Y because traditionally your right eye would often be asked to do four or in person Driver meetings this long weekend, that's coming up in November so who can attend. So, and then anybody can attend any Carriers or Drivers on either side of the border Canada or the U S the information that's going to be provided, definitely transfers over those, those borders So Drivers in both Canada and the U S can attend companies on both sides of the boarder can register. Their drivers are one of the big benefits about this for American companies is, you know, the fees are in Canadian fund's. So that, that, that's a pretty beneficial to them with the exchange being with us. Yeah. And I know we a worked on the price points and I think its in your words, you said it was quite reasonable already. And I agree. I think a, the price point is a reasonable, so that's how can it yup. Yeah. The guy is just going to fall out of one of the things that, you know, in our, our meetings leading up to this as we, we wanted to make sure that the price point was not a, not a barrier to entry for companies, no matter what size they work for for individual drivers, if they decided that this is something that they wanted to take place, you know, I'll talk about the, the price points. Since we have the platform Here Chris, you know, For 49 99, the company can enroll an individual Driver or an individual with Driver can enroll themselves four, four 99. You can register up to 20 Drivers a and if you have 20 plus Drivers your looking at 900 bucks, we're not capturing that 20 plus Drivers either. So if you're a fleet of lets call it a hundred Drivers for, for easy math, I am not a math major. You're delivering a Driver meeting for me dollars and nine and 99 cents as a driver. I, I haven't seen that pricing many places over it. No. And, and I just thought of this question along with Driver and Meetings we need proof that the Drivers showed up. How are we handling that? So there will be certificates of completion for any Drivers who attend one of the questions that's been posed to us by some Fleets already, as, you know, if they are going to have eight or 10 or 12 Drivers. If they have the, the space too, you know, safely physical distance, could we provide all the, all of them with certificates, even though that they all might not be on the screen in, and the answer to that is yes, we'll have a, we can have a signage sheet that has sent to the company. I ahead of time, two, you need to verify that the individual's or are there a So those certificates can or can be provided and that's what the insurance company's want to see as well. Right? Yeah. We need to be able to document attendance. So you know, these different digital platforms for those people who don't know, you can see who has attended. And as you already said, in the case where there are multiple people using the same computer, perhaps the company is projecting it onto a large screen. And as you said, socially distance correctly, he can to have more than one driver or a 10 from one a local address. So in that case we just need documentation from the company. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. That's perfect. Before we get into what the, the items are, the topics are and who the speakers are, how do they register them? And we'll do this again at the end, but yeah. Yeah. So you can register through CAIR Ts Kim sites. My Hill, I was one of our team members here will be looking after Registration well, we can get her contact information that email out, but numbers 877 one eight one seven one and that's Kim sites on a Hill. And she will look after all, all the registrations. And as we have drivers and companies registered, we will get the meeting links out. One thing that's important to note, there's going to be two offerings of this one on Friday, the 27th one on Saturday, the 28th, both from 10 to 12, we want it to go with two dates to be able to provide the flexibility, ah, for both the driver and a drivers and companies a so they have to options to attend, you know, with, with the Registration, there are, there are limits. We do recommend that you get, get on things that ahead of time in early, you know, that the virtual platforms have to have limits as for the number of attendees. And we want to make sure everybody gets the, the same experience I'm in the research that we've done leading up to making this decision to deliver it. It sounds like multiple companies of all sizes are going to get involved. We do have the option to add a third time if needed, but I would definitely suggest getting on a Registration sooner rather than later. Yeah. Alright. I would agree with that. Who what are the Topics man? Yeah. Yeah. So there's going to be a couple different topics that are the same topics on both days yourself. Safety Dawg call is going to be talking about it is going to be talking about always a hot topic leaning into this time of year, winter driving a along with Speed and space management. Mmm. Then we're going to have Carrie where Carrie Wirachowsky, who is the director of Roadside inspections for CVSA. She is going to be talking about how to insure yourself as a driver or a good way to scale experience as well as the North American and expectations for pre and post trip inspections. Yeah. And just for our listeners and viewers, some case they don't no CVSA were still vehicle safety Alliance. It is how the inspections are conducted at Roadside by CVSA trained Inspection inspector is which is Canada, Mexico in the United States. So, and Kerri works four CVSA. So she is truly an international speaker and she'll do an awesome job I'm sure, absolutely. What else do we need to make the viewers aware? Matt I think we've covered a lot of it. Chris I think its just a again is important to note that we cannot let you know this pandemic take away from selling education and ensuring that are our professional drivers are, are safe and that would be information required a to B out there on the road to help with overall roads safety. And this is a great opportunity to make sure that that education is continuing at a very reasonable price points and in a fashion that a, everybody can remain there as safe and healthy as possible. Yeah. I think it's a, it's a great offering registration information is below. You want to talk to Kim size and Hill ah, her an email and phone number our in the show notes below, there are limits as to how many people we can accommodate. So the sooner you register the better a is that it? That I cover at all? Matt with that? Yeah, I think so, Chris and I just want to take the opportunity again, thank you for, for using the platform and we're excited to be partnered with, with yourself as Safety Dawg for this a bit. Yeah. Thanks. Matt I'm excited again. This is November. What are the dates again? The 27th and 28th of November, two offerings, a one offer and each day both from 10:00 AM to 12 noon Eastern. Yeah. Right. And that's the Friday and the Saturday are not on the Thursday. Where were we might disrupt family events. So on there, I wouldn't have thought of NFL football, but yes you would. What do you get back? The Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan. And for those thinking, that may be a bandwagon Buccaneers fan because we have got Tom Brady this year. I have been a fan and a box since the late nineties and struggled through a lot of a bad year or so of so far I'm like in the air. Yeah. Well there you go out and I hope your affiliation or your support, all of the box does it cost us and he registered, but you know, thanks for your time, man. I really appreciate it. I'll have a great day. Yeah. You as well. You love to show up as much as I did. Please leave us a, like a thumbs up a, a comment, a raiding. If it is. I think you have so much that I do really appreciate more the type and join us again next week for another exciting interview.

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