Get out of Teaching

Get Out of Teaching Podcast Season 4, Episode 11, Kylie Attwell (Author, Content Curator and Facilitator for Self-Transformation)

September 22, 2021 Elizabeth Diacos Season 4 Episode 11
Get out of Teaching
Get Out of Teaching Podcast Season 4, Episode 11, Kylie Attwell (Author, Content Curator and Facilitator for Self-Transformation)
Show Notes Transcript

Kylie Attwell is an author, content curator and facilitator for self-transformation. Her skills and services take a multi-disciplinary approach based on the latest therapeutic modalities and brain science. In her Brisbane practice, she conducts one-on-one consultations and energy assessments to ascertain where clients are on their journey, and then provides personalised guidance to help change the printout of their life. She also facilitates belief change, emotional release, and hands-on healing sessions to relieve stress and anxiety.

Kylie's website is

You can find out more about Workbook #1 via the following link:

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Aired on September 22nd 2021

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Elizabeth Diacos  0:02  
Welcome to Season 4 of the Get Out of Teaching Podcast presented by Larksong Enterprises. This podcast is for teachers who are considering leaving Education, but feel like they have no options. I'm your host, Elizabeth Diacos. I'm a Career Transition Coach, who guides overwhelmed teachers through a five step process, out of Education and into a life they love. I'd like to see a world where the work of teachers is valued and respected, and that teachers have a career pathway that enables them to continue to offer value to society, beyond their work in the classroom. So in this season, we'll be speaking to other experts, who help people to change careers, as well as a few ex teachers who forged the pathway into something new. So come along for the ride as we get out of teaching. 

Episode 11. 

Hi, everyone, and welcome to the show. On today's show. I'm very pleased to be speaking with Kylie Atwell, who is an author, curator, and a facilitator of self transformation. Welcome to the show, Kylie.

Kylie Atwell  1:08  
Thanks, Elizabeth. I really appreciate being here. And I can't wait to, uhm, to dive in further to the conversation.

Elizabeth Diacos  1:13  
Awesome. So Kylie, as you know, I help teachers get out of teaching and into a life they love. And I put out the call on Source Bottle, which is a platform for people who want to find people to talk to about various things. And I'm really keen to talk to you because some of the things you wrote in your little bio that you sent me were really intriguing, especially around the self transformation aspects. So can you give us a little bit of a picture about what a day in the life of Kylie Atwell looks like?

Kylie Atwell  1:46  
Oh, good question. Um, but firstly, before I dive into that, I just really wanted to acknowledge just how difficult I think being a teacher would be, along with parenting, I think would have to be one of the most difficult jobs ever. So my heart really goes out to you all, and I really applaud you for the the courage that you've had to endure teaching for so long, it's something that I certainly, you know, couldn't, couldn't do. So, um, so yeah, I just wanted to acknowledge that before I start. So my, a day in my life involves predominantly. And this is a habit that I got into as part of the self transformation is actually just listening to how I feel moment to moment and actually responding to that. 

And I make sure that I practice self care first, before I actually undergo any jobs and tasks that I need to do for the day. So it's really setting me up in good stead for what needs to unfold next. And I find that when I'm in a great mood, and I've, you know, taken care of myself, and I'm getting into some more specifics, you know, that in a moment, yeah, I'm then ready to actually tackle the things that I don't really want to do. So, and when I do get to tackle them, in the right headspace and the right state of being, they start to just come together and flow really, really easily. And, and so then I think, "Oh, my goodness, that wasn't so bad. It wasn't half as it you know, arduous as I thought it might have been, you know, when I before I, you know, set out and the mission." 

And and I just find that life flows so much easier if I take the time, to moment to moment, ask myself, how do I feel in this moment, and, and support myself by, you know, in actioning, what I need in that moment right there, and sometimes it can be that I'm triggered, I'm triggered in a situation. So rather than, again, reacting and responding, and sort of, you know, setting, heading down, the usual sort of pathway that I might head down is actually sort of removing myself from the situation if I possibly can, and actually then doing some, like some inner work. And I know that that's not possible for everyone, but but certainly when I'm being triggered than that, it's a great opportunity for me to look at what's going on and then start to self transformed, transformed there using the different modalities that I use in my life. 

But a standard morning would be waking up with a cup of tea, and, and listening to something inspirational. And the reason I do that, is because when you, the few moments that you're first starting to wake up is the, is when the brains actually more susceptible to change and influence. So what you do in those first few moments, the moment you wake up is pivotal for how the rest of your day is going to unfold. And it's actually similar before you go to bed as well as you start to unwind. If this you know if you want to have a great night's sleep, and wake up in a good mood the next day I really encourage people to actually spend some time actually, perhaps doing a gratitude practice, or even just reflecting on the day and actually highlighting the the aspects of the day that went really well. 

Something that you're really genuinely proud of, right now that you, you know, achieved and that you were, you know, just a highlight in your day could be a special moment you had, you know, with your loved one or a pet or anything. And, and something like that can be really powerful way to start, you know, having better night's sleep, and waking up in a better mood. That's a small aspect of my day. But a big part of what I do is obviously, right, I'm an author. And I actually help people build a life they love. And I do that by doing one on one guidance sessions with them, and energy assessment. And I can talk about that in more detail. 

But essentially, what I'm doing is I'm actually determining what stage of the journey they're on what what's happening in their life, what's coming up for them. And then I introduce them to different modalities that will assist them whether it to be released and trapped emotions, to get to know themselves better, to identify their purpose, to, you know, to release any fears, doubts, negative self talk, that's actually holding them back from life. So that's a big part of what I do. I also do different modalities that allow people to watch it really helps them shift anxiety, and stress, and also to hands on Healing Sessions as well. So

Elizabeth Diacos  6:47  
Wow, so.. 

Kylie Atwell  6:48  

Elizabeth Diacos  6:48  
Yeah, and the hands on aspect obviously, you're not in lockdown, because that can't happen here and a lot of cases but so okay, going back to the cup of tea, and the those reflect that reflective practice in the morning. What what are the other self care practices that you employ that a successful for you because I think, these audiences that's listening or watching on YouTube at the moment for the Get Out Teaching Podcast, that's something that nearly every teacher I talked to, has began to neglect, that those aspects of self care and self compassion, or they are they are taking on practices that look like self care or self compassion, but are actually destructive.

Like, I don't know, binge watching Netflix, eating chocolate or drinking wine, for instance. I don't know how I know about any of those things. But you know, like, I think there is an aspect of that where we think of it as self care, but actually it's self destructive. And so I just wanted like what other things do you do that are restorative? 

Kylie Atwell  8:00  
Look, there's so many little things. And look it's I guess it's difficult for you because obviously you're in Melbourne at the moment but you know, for me going and having a really long walk. Certainly, my daily practices and I was about to sort of say that right at the end but I've recently shifted on but that for me is a time just to allow myself a moment to be out in nature to move away from what I've been doing during the day. And you know, I used to do this when I was actually working full time too, I I live in the city but I would always walk home from work, almost regardless of how far away I lived from work. I'd certainly have long walks I can leave that work behind to (sell) certainly you know a big walk, also to a love bath's, magnesium bath are amazing for people. 

But self care is really about and this will be a big part of even workbook for that I'll be working on in shortly. is actually about taking care of just your, you even your hair, your makeup, your clothing and they sound like superficial things but, I don't know, I think every woman knows how amazing it feels when you've actually just been to the hairdresser and actually coming out with a,

Elizabeth Diacos  9:17  
Fresh and fabulous.

Kylie Atwell  9:18  
...and feeling great. 

Elizabeth Diacos  9:20  

Kylie Atwell  9:21  
These things don't have to be super expensive. You know, just even learning how to do a  little bit of makeup, that suits you know, your face, your skin type, your age, just something to lift you just simple little things like that. And you can if you wanting to purchase or sort of wanting to do it cost effectively. A lot of the the makeup departments in sorry, the makeup brands in the department stores, if you buy new makeup to a certain value that actually will give you a session where they'll actually do your makeup for you that's complimentary and you know get them to do some, some, some, like a bit of a tutorial and show you how to do your makeup result and there's heaps of stuff on YouTube. 

So just little things like that will make a huge difference actually made the effort to actually, you know, wear clothes that aren't necessarily fashionable, but fit your body type and fit your that a beautifully cut that actually I'm a made of lovely fabric that you feel really great and comfortable in. Something as small as that makes such a big difference, just how you're feeling at the end of the day. So as I said, they're more surface things. And, you know, it's also really important is to go within and look at how you're feeling more on the inside as well and doing the inner work, that's vital. But certainly those types of things on the surface. 

Eating good food, you're always going to feel much better when you're eating good food. Again, it doesn't all have to be organic. But I would recommend you notice stuff that's fresh food rather than processed food. So that's another key component. Heaps of water. Water is really important if it's cold, drink hot water with a bit of lemon in it, that will certainly help. But one thing I've noticed for myself is when I'm not in a good headspace, and I'm not embracing the things that I love, and I'm doing a job that I absolutely hate, I'm going to eat crap food, if I'm living a crap life, I'm going to eat crap food. So that's, that's part of it. So one of the best resources that I can, that I can highly recommend for people is to even pick up a copy of The Artist's Way. And being an art teacher Elizabeth, you might have heard of The Artist's Way. 

Elizabeth Diacos  11:46  
I've got it on my bookshelf behind me there. 

Kylie Atwell  11:49  

Elizabeth Diacos  11:49  
You can't see it but it's there. 

Kylie Atwell  11:52  
It's one of the most deeply spiritual books that I've ever come across. And one of the most powerful self transformation books, I think, on the market. When I share my story, I break it down into seven chapters, and I talk about what teaches influence what stage of my life and, and Julia Cameron, and The Artist's Way influenced every single stage. So all seven stages. And, and, you know, really, it's about getting in touch with who you are, and, and, and all of your passions. And we can start to get into the difference between passion and a purpose and purpose at the moment. You embrace your passions is absolutely essential for you to shift your headspace into something you like to raise your vibration so that you're more emotionally bought by it. 

That's the whole reason for passions, and people mistake their passions for their purpose. Nine times out of 10. I keep thinking, you know, I love cooking. So I should, you know, perhaps I should end up you know, setting up a cafe or going to the catering business. No, you love cooking because it might just be one of the things that you're really passionate about and really passionate about great food. That's essentially, and we can go into it, you know, in a moment is I know that you just really want to focus necessarily on?

Elizabeth Diacos  13:21  
Well, I think I think that's part of I think that's part of it, though, if you're going to trance transition into another career. Working out the difference between passion and purpose is really important because I often talk about, you know, finding work that aligns with your values and priorities. But I could equally have thrown in passion and purpose into that sentence. And that would be you know, that would really resonate with people. So I guess I want to ask the question, how do we determine the difference between passion and purpose? Because I think we use them interchangeably a lot.

Kylie Atwell  14:03  
We, we absolutely do. And I think, you know, it's the likes of even Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, they've sort of said to you, you know, find your bliss and the rest will follow. You know, embrace your life's, like embrace your passion. And I made that mistake. I finished school, went to uni wanted to get a great stable career that I could, you know, have babies and come back to the workplace really easily. And I ended up becoming a radiographer and it was fantastic. And as I said, I you know, I practiced that for about eight years and got to the top of my career within that time frame but got to the point where I just was not fulfilled at all like I literally got to the point where I had the house, I had the car, I had the career, didn't have the man but had this you know, designer things and great social life and was absolutely miserable on the inside. 

And just couldn't work out what on earth was going on. So then I thought, well, I love architecture and design, maybe I need to, you know, try and, you know, sort of go down that path or go back to uni and study that. But I ended up going down that path and actually, like, literally jumped off feet first. and ended up spending so much time and so many resources, like literally drained myself financially, because I embraced a passion rather than my purpose. And I know now that architecture and design are not my purpose, they are just something I need to live in, in a beautiful home that perhaps being architectural design. So that for me was was a big learning curve. 

What that, what that process actually taught me was that, as I said before, your passions are the things that that bring you joy in that moment, and they're very emotionally driven. And we do them because they give us pleasure, but because they're emotionally driven, your emotions wane quite, quite easily and quickly, so they're never actually going to feel fulfill you. Your purpose, on the other hand, is your contribution to humanity. And it's only through living your purpose will you actually have true fulfillment and meaning in your life. And I define purpose as a combination of the gifts that you were, your gifts and abilities that you're born with. So your innate gifts and abilities.

Elizabeth Diacos  16:38  

Kylie Atwell  16:39  
The talents, or sorry, the skills that you acquire along the way. So you know, all of these amazing teachers out there have applied, you know, the gift of being able to educate people. So that's certainly a key skill that they've all got. But it's also the life experiences that you have, particularly the challenges that allow you to serve, serve others in the way that only you can. 

Elizabeth Diacos  17:08  

Kylie Atwell  17:09  
And for me, it was really about, you know, struggling with self confidence my entire life. And, and, and battling with anxiety and depression, how do I overcome that. I went on this massive, like, inner journey. And I'd been searching high and low for over 16 years. Look, trying to work out what on earth was wrong with me after having, you know, by the time I was 28. Had all the things that I thought would make me happy. And here, I was miserable. And I truly thought there's something fundamentally wrong with me as a person. And so 16 years I'm searching, doing workshops and courses and changing careers and just, you know, the more I searched, the more confused and more miserable I became. 

And it wasn't until I had this transformational inner experience that I actually I was pretty much led to all of the information that has become the foundation of the work that I do today. And, and that really set me in good stead to then obviously define the difference between between passion and purpose.

Elizabeth Diacos  18:18  
Hmm, okay, wow. So you've you're a career changer as well. 

Kylie Atwell  18:24  

Elizabeth Diacos  18:25  
So how many careers have you had?

Kylie Atwell  18:28  
Okay, so, from radiography, I started a small business doing bookbinding on the side. So that was sort of, I tried to transition from the same radiography to something that was more creative. So the bookbinding on the side, I find it, found it was absolutely loved it, I found it very labor intensive. And so that was almost like I was like, my own little sweatshop. I'm trying to, you know, bind suede and leather journals to then sell to others. And it just there's no way that the hourly rate was...

Elizabeth Diacos  18:59  
No, yeah, I've done the simple binding it, because I need a printmaking degree. And we did a bit of that in the in the course. And it is a beautiful thing. But yeah, there's no way it's viable for most people. Unless you're in a really high end part of the world where the people pay a lot of money for something like that. Just save that paper, the papers like $8 a meter or more. So yeah.

Kylie Atwell  19:24  
Can't make mistakes. So so that was the first sort of transition and I didn't leave, you know, full time work for that. But I then explored the architectural and design industry, so I became a tradie. I ended up setting up a spray metal finishes factory here in Brisbane to coat almost anything in metal. So for example, we could take a front door that was made of MDF, and coat it so that it looked like it had been passed out of solid bronze or stainless steel. And, you know, we did a lot of signage and architecture. Sorry signage and sculptures, architectural components, that sort of thing. So that was sort of the next iteration. And I did that for about six and a half years. And then I learned to pour concrete in that time too, because we're doing cast metal bench top, or sorry, cast concrete bench tops. And it was sort of like before that became really in vogue. And, and doing decorative glass finishing and all that sort of stuff. So that was sort of my tradie.

Elizabeth Diacos  20:28  
So it was like, was it a foundry that you were in? Or like a foundry?

Kylie Atwell  20:32  
No, because we weren't actually casting?

Elizabeth Diacos  20:35  

Kylie Atwell  20:36  
Casting, we're actually using a liquid, a liquid component tree to then spray onto the item. So it was actually really a binder with metal particles in it.

Elizabeth Diacos  20:54  
Oh wow. Cool, that sounds amazing. 

Kylie Atwell  20:58  
Yeah, it was it was fun. It was it was truly fun. My (inaudible) got to be, you know, creative and work with my hands, which again, is another passion. But again, I know that, you know, I'm better off going and doing like a pottery workshop or woodworking. They're my passions, but I'm not meant to build a life around them. 

Elizabeth Diacos  21:15  

Kylie Atwell  21:17  
So that was that next stage and then following that, because I could project manage because I could manufacture things. I ended up even prior to that I did some work in a with GHD Hair. They were doing their styler exchange. So I had to go and count hairstylist. And then whilst I was there working in their warehouse, they said to me, "Because you can project manage, why don't you come on board in our Education team and sort of be like our Project Manager and Event Manager." So then I transitioned to sort of project and event managing and put all to, put together all of the, the seminars that they that they do throughout Australia and New Zealand. 

And then as part of that, they do big hair fashion shows and things so so that was my foray into the event management world. And from there, I became freelance Event Manager working for the likes of Tupac on out of the box children's festival. I've done the Asia Pacific Fest, Asia Pacific Film Festival, World Science Festival, all of the events at Southbank parklands, such as like Christmas and regional (inaudible), and that kind of stuff. So that was the next iteration. And in the meantime, during all of that I was searching, searching, searching, searching, because I just knew that it wasn't my thing. Yep, it paid the bills, absolutely no question. 

They were all great paying jobs, except for the metal finishes business. That was a huge financial drain. So, so in, as I said, in that time, I was just searching, searching, searching. And, and then eventually came across all the tools that I now that form part of the work or the foundation of the work that I that I share now. And part of that I share what worked well, but pretty much only share the tools that worked for me, because I spent 1000s 1000s dollars on complete dead ends, and so many workshops that I just, that just weren't even worth it. So now I curate all of the modalities that that I found the most useful. 

So it's not about me interpreting someone else's teachings. It's about me assembling them in the form of what I call a curriculum. So obviously, the teachers relate to all of that. So that you literally know what stage of the journey you're on, and what modalities will be appropriate, appropriate for navigating each stage. So as an author, I'm not a digital traditional author. I'm actually just writing workbooks and a curriculum. So...

Elizabeth Diacos  23:24  
Okay, so tell us about what you've written. Because I think that's something that you know, it coming from outside or from overseas, and maybe we couldn't meet you, but at least we could maybe read your work. So can you explain a little bit about what you've written?

Kylie Atwell  24:07  
Yeah, absolutely. So the whole, where I started out with with all of this was that once I found this information that change, changed my life, I just wanted to share it with as many people as possible. And so what I did, and I thought the quickest and best way I could do that would be through building a website. So I built the website, And initially, it was just, I was sharing my story, and I was sharing as part of that story. I was sharing the, introducing the teachers that changed my life. And then what, whether it be a workshop or book, so what resources that that they produced, that then was a key component to that teaching. 

And so that's the way the website started out. It's all of that information is absolutely still there. And you can find that under the Resources tab on the website, and, and what I needed to do was to really, at first, I wanted to create a procedure manual, I didn't want my story to be shared as part of it at all. But what I found when people were viewing it. Is basically no one would ever read this, it's just literally like step A, step B, step C, people need to learn by you telling your story, so weave my story into it. But I do so in a way that's very short and succinct, so that you're not, you know, hearing this long winded story, you literally just getting the nuts and bolts of it and getting directed to the teachers and the resources straight away. 

And the thing about the website, that's amazing is that you can use all the hyperlinks and sort of kind of, you know, go down the rabbit holes that you that you feel drawn to. But the thing that some people struggle with, is, how do I put this into, you know, into action step by step. So that's where the workbooks came in. So the first workbook that I wrote is called Find Your Purpose, Change Your Life. And it's a guide for uncovering your life's calling, to learn.

Elizabeth Diacos  26:06  
And I like your title at the top there build a life you love. And like, well, that's what I tell people, I help them find too. So I love that.

Kylie Atwell  26:14  
Yeah, yeah. So that's essentially what I do. So step one, is that finding your life's purpose rather than your passion. And this, your purpose is the thing that's going to give you true fulfillment and meaning in life. And the second workbook, which I've just finished, it's not out yet, I actually take delivery of it tomorrow, but I do have a printers proof, and actually called Imagining Your Ultimate Life, sorry, Ultimate Future. And it's actually a guide to bridging the gap between your current reality and the life of your dreams. And it's all centered around creative visualization. And it's through creative visualization, developing an emotive vision for your life, that that just fills you up on the inside, when you put that the pen to paper, and actually construct the framework first, and then the creative narrative of what your life will look like. 

And it's about building in the peak experiences from the past, as well as your hopes and dreams for the future, into this ultimate day, and then creating that narrative around it, so that you can literally smell it, touch it and taste it. And, and then actually mentally rehearsing it, and a lot of my work waves in the latest sort of in in brain science and neuroscience. And what they've what scientists have recently discovered is that the brain actually doesn't know the difference between a real and an imagined event. The same areas of the brain light up if you're experiencing something physically, versus if you're just actually mentally rehearsing it. 

So you're actually just playing it out in your mind. And, you know, elite athletes, celebrities, they know this trick, they've been using it for years, practicing the winning shot, and celebrating their victory in their mind before ever comes to pass. And so what I've found is that when you buy a (chemically), so when you become your future self, internally, that what happens is, you naturally start to draw in the experiences and opportunities that will allow you to actually physically become that version of yourself that you've already created in your mind and actually started to enact and embody. And when I say, enact, as part of the process that I walk you through in the book is actually starting to act as if as well. 

So not only you're mentally rehearsing it, and it's part of part of the process, you're creating a vision for your life, you're writing about it, but I also want you to start building a movie, or that, that visual that sort of captures that visually.

Elizabeth Diacos  29:09  

Kylie Atwell  29:10  
Incorporating music into it, because it's the music that when you hear the track after you've been mentally rehearsing it, you start instantly play the scenes from the movie in your mind, because you've heard the track.

Elizabeth Diacos  29:25  
Right. Yeah, so like a scene, like a theme of a movie, like you know, how you get those, the people who just write movie themes, that sort of soundtrack in the background? Is that what you think sort of saying?

Kylie Atwell  29:38  
Absolutely, it's like you know, you're going to write you're going to build a trailer for this ultimate life that you want to experience and and it's about feeling what it feels like to live that and then as soon as you hear the track was soon as you see, you know, well, firstly going to start with the the imagery and the music playing over the imagery, but then later when you hear just the imagery, you'll start to see the, the, the images from the movie itself. And they say that once you hear the music, and start to envisage the entire movie, you've created enough neural pathways for, for you literally too soon to start creating your reality, your new reality. So that's very powerful as well. 

And I incorporate scent into that as well, because scent is an amazing anchor for, for recalling the past, as well as the future. So you're wanting to create, you know, ideally, a future fragrance. So selecting a future fragrance whilst you're watching the movie and listening to the soundtrack. And every time you walk into the room.

Elizabeth Diacos  30:49  
So you're almost, you're almost recalling the future, that you've created in your mind. 

Kylie Atwell  30:51  
Recalling the future. Exactly. 

Elizabeth Diacos  30:56  
That could be the title of your next book. 

Kylie Atwell  31:00  
Recall your future. 

Elizabeth Diacos  31:01  
Yeah. I love that. Okay, so Kylie, imagine that I'm a teacher, and I'm stuck. I've been using the example of the imaginary Donna who's 52. She's been teaching for a couple of decades, she's had enough, she feels undervalued, disrespected. And like, you know, she can't get off the hamster wheel. And she's worried because she's gone in a nice salary position where she gets lots of nice income every week. And it's very reliable. But she's thinking of moving into something new. And so she's either going to have to set up something of her own, or become a novice in another industry, which is a challenge when you're in your 50s. What advice would you give to her in a nutshell, give us like, you know, two minute little pithy, What should she do next?

Kylie Atwell  31:53  
Firstly, I wouldn't make any major sweeping changes to your life, because the, because you haven't done any inner work, you don't have the neurology and you haven't rewired the subconscious mind yet. that that would be in itself a recipe for disaster, you would end up where I was with the spray metal finishes. Ideally, I would be, I would be looking at going within because what I've, what I've discovered during this process is the all of the chain, if you want to change your outer world, it's not about changing your job, meeting a new life, changing relationships, moving to another city, all of those things will only result in exactly the same experience just under, you know, a new person with...

Elizabeth Diacos  32:42  
...a different context. Yeah,

Kylie Atwell  32:45  
Exactly. So the idea is that, in order to change your reality, you need to change your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. To do that, and I'm happy to share with you a framework that I've created that will get you started. And most of it's very simple, most of it's free, it's about quietening the mind, if you can't quiet the mind, you're going to need to actually harness your mind in positive and productive ways. And I'll walk you through each of those stages. How you feel moment to moment, is influences what occurs in your life. So it's about practicing emotional self management. So it's about incorporating the things into your life. 

So it's not necessarily about making the career change at this point. But you want to start actually becoming happy within your life by incorporating passions into your life, to actually help you overcome this stage and actually lift you emotionally some becoming more emotionally quiet. And also too, we will all have these fears and doubts and negative self talk. So we want to release a lot of the emotional baggage that we're carrying around, that's preventing us to become preventing us from becoming a full expression of ourselves. As part of that, you're gonna need to do some emotional release work. But certainly incorporating all the things into your life that make you feel better. 

So again, talking about, you know, it could be simple as your hair, your clothes, that type of thing. So it's about practicing emotional self management, you're going to need to do some work to shift your subconscious programming, the beliefs, the story that you've created about life, the fact that you can't make money doing something that you absolutely love, because that's just a program. There's people out there that are living, living their life, including myself. And they're being supported financially to do that. 

Elizabeth Diacos  34:40  

Kylie Atwell  34:40  
So that's, that's a story that we've created sorts of that we need to shift that story so that you can be financially abundant and, and be supported to do what it is you truly love. And then it's about looking at the actions that you're taking. Are you living in full alignment with who you are at your very core. And so that's really important to actually understand well, who I am like, what, what is it that I truly love? And is every aspect of my life completely in alignment with that? Or am I doing things out of guilt? Am I doing stuff out of obligation? And if you're doing that will that we need to do some work on that, so that you're not doing those things anymore? So I'm absolutely happy to share that framework, it will certainly get you started. And as I said, most of it on there, you know, is free.

Elizabeth Diacos  35:32  
So that's on your, that's on your website. Is that right?

Kylie Atwell  35:35  
Actually, it's not, but I will share it with you, Elizabeth, if you want to share with the audience.

Elizabeth Diacos  35:39  
Okay, so maybe what we could do is put that into the link for that into the show notes for this episode. And then if people are listening now, and they, they think I really want to find out more about what Kylie is doing and the framework that you can access that through the show notes for the episode, okay. 

Kylie Atwell  35:57  
So all of my (inaudible), whether they have an energy assessment, or they do a one on one session with me, I give that framework to them, because at the end of the day, I believe in self sovereignty, I'm not here to be someone's practitioner, or their coach, where I'm actually like seeing them week in and week out, that's it's not about that. All of the curriculum and what my content is all about you having access to what's in my mind, so that you can actually just self manage, if you need me, it's about then coming back to me as a mentor, and I might, you know, guide you to the next stage or on, you know, not out something specific for you. But I want to give you every single tool that you need to be able to successfully manage and navigate life and build a life you love, ultimately, where that's at. So.

Elizabeth Diacos  36:54  
Okay, that's huge. Thank you, thank you for sharing that. 

Kylie Atwell  36:59  
And (audio overlap) not more two minutes, I want to say that, um, so that's kind of where where they need to go is so don't make any major sweeping changes. But you know, and this is self promotion here, but it's, it's not surely I'm only saying it because I've searched high and low, and I didn't come up come across the resources, I needed to understand my purpose, but to potentially, to get book, find your purpose, change your life. And within that, there is 25 questions that will allow you to find, find your life's calling, or uncover your life's calling within. And the thing is, your life's calling is actually woven all throughout your life, you just need to know where to look. And what questions to, to ask yourself. 

So everything that you've gone through to date, will be giving you clues as to what your life's calling is. And one of the one of the questions I include in that in the book is, and it might be a little bit more difficult, because you're talking about maybe one career here for people. But for me, having had multiple career changes, it didn't matter what job I ever did, and what why I was employed to do it, what role I was doing, there was always a task that I took on, that had nothing to do with the work that I was doing, but that I just couldn't help but do it because I felt that it would make a difference to the, to the workplace. 

And for me, that was I was always whether it be at school or at work, I was like the Career Counselor, like everyone would come to me and tell me all of their problems. And I'd make them feel better about themselves. So that was just, it was just, it didn't matter what job I ended up being in. That's what happened. Well, I took on. And the other component to that is that I saw people getting in trouble for not really knowing how to do the work that they were doing. So what I would make sure is that I'd make sure that everyone knew how to do the job that they were meant to do. And as part of that I brought procedure manuals for people. What am I doing now? I'm not the counselor who writes procedure manuals on how to live life?

Elizabeth Diacos  39:12  
That's awesome. I love that. Yeah.

Kylie Atwell  39:16  
So it's just observing, you know, what, what role have I been doing and as a teacher of mine even be that, you know, you part of it could be you know, being drawn to the counseling aspect, part of it could even be what the best part of it that you love is more like organizing social, social get togethers with with, you know, the fellow teachers or what have you suppose is just going to be all of these threads of information woven all throughout your life, you've just got to dig them out. And as I said, it's just knowing what questions to ask yourself. 

Elizabeth Diacos  39:51  

Kylie Atwell  39:51  
And and other bits and pieces. Or another question can be is like, "Is there some sort of information that people share with you that like, no one else would get that type of information?" Like, is there stuff, is there some content that people come and just pour their heart out to you that anyone else would find so difficult to get. And I've had really extreme cases of people that that share examples of that with me I'm one woman told me that these women would constantly be talking to her about their menstruation problems. And so she actually, in the end, I was big part of her life journey was because she struggled with, with menstruation and even getting pregnant and things a big part of what she does now is actually help women with menstruation and understanding it and, and, and she even puts like, plays on and things like that to help, like, read or write some of the content that she uses. 

But, but you know, just crazy stuff like that. I mean, no one comes and talks to you about those things. Um, so, yeah, it's just fascinating. When you start to dig a little bit. It's like, people, for me, I'm on the street, people always come and ask me for directions. 

Elizabeth Diacos  41:04  

Kylie Atwell  41:05  
So that's part of what I do I direct people to the modalities that they need. 

Elizabeth Diacos  41:10  
Mm hmm. 

Kylie Atwell  41:12  
And then even another question to ask yourself is, if you if money, time and resources weren't an option, what is it that you would absolutely give anything just to experience to, to to be able to learn or volunteer to do or just you just want to be there to be part of like, you wouldn't, you would, you wouldn't care. As I said, if you're fully financially supported, and you all the time in the world, what on earth would you be doing with your spare time and what would light you up on the inside. So it's about teasing out those bits and pieces. And then as part of the workbook, I so aside from looking for the information from within, I also refer you to someone who directs, who is a specialist in career direction. 

And so that the last 25 years, they've actually been doing sessions with people and within one hour, they will actually be able to impart to you, your soul's purpose, what, so what you're here to learn, and what you're here to teach others this lifetime, within one, a one hour session with that person. And they will give you that objective point of view. So you've got this subjective point of view. So you're looking for the answers within and you're seeing the threads of it unfolding all throughout your life. And that's what those questions do is they help tease that out that information and you want to see a really clear. 

You want to see, like in every single question that I that I asked out of all the 25 questions want to see a really clear thread the entire way through as to what that purpose looks like. And then by having that session with the Creator, action counselor, do they align? And then how do you feel about it? Does it just sound like the most exciting, most amazing thing that you could ever possibly do? Like, you know, when I had the session myself, I was like, "Oh, my God, that sounds amazing. Of course I would absolutely want to do that." And it just it lit me up from the, uh, from the inside. But what undid me was, well, one how what? I don't even have the skills to do that, you know, how could I possibly do it have that paid to do that?

Could I really do it, you know, I just had all these fears, doubts, negative self talk and didn't know where to begin. But that's because I hadn't owned it by finding the threads within my own life, whereas even brothers actually naturally doing it, myself. 

Elizabeth Diacos  43:49  

Kylie Atwell  43:50  
And these, all of the teachers out there will innately actually be fulfilling their purpose in some way, shape, or form within their own life. Your purpose is to be a full expression of yourself, a part of that is to contribute to humanity in the way that only you can. And your entire life is set you up for that experience. And it's a matter of identifying it, and then removing any of those blocks that are holding your back from actually living it.

Elizabeth Diacos  44:20  
Beautiful. I love the sound of that. It maybe not easy. All right. So Kylie, as we wrap up our interview today, can I just ask you one further question? What's your favorite song?

Kylie Atwell  44:36  
My favorite song and no one will ever have ever not. I have ever heard it because it's just about to be released. And it's it's actually called Purpose. And it was, it was written by a woman in Spain. Who who writes uplifting catchy tunes. And it's all a part of workbook two of you having fulfilled your future. So as part of working through workbook two, I want you to choose a soundtrack that's going to be the soundtrack of your life. And it's great to, to choose one that you know, that you might already know that you really love. But the thing is, it's probably going to be associated with memories from the past. So it's about choosing a soundtrack that you've never even heard before. 

And if it's affirming what you want to create, so she's written themes around living your purpose, well-being, incredible health, love, just prosperity, just anything of wholeness, fulfillment, she's written all of these different things, catchy tunes, within these positive words and affirmations in them. And they're just amazing. They're just, they literally stick in your mind the first time you hear them. And she said to me, "Kylie, I've written I've written this one. And I wrote it, because you inspired me to write it. And it's called Purpose." And I absolutely love it. She absolutely captured my personality in it. And so yeah, no one will know what it is, but, but its Purpose by Emerita from Mind Songs.

Elizabeth Diacos  46:21  
So we probably need to put that link into the show notes as well for this episode. So I've been asking, I've been asking all my guests like, what's your favorite song, and I've got some very weird, a weird collection of songs now, a quite eclectic mix. So we will add that to the show notes. Thank you. And I just say thank you so much, for it's been a really inspirational conversation. I'm sure that the people listening and watching this episode will come away feeling inspired and hopeful that there is a way forward if they want to start making some radical change in their life.

Kylie Atwell  46:55  
Absolutely is Elizabeth, it's all about creating an intimate, intimate relationship with yourself. And just eliminating all those fears, doubts and negative self talk, I mean, ultimately, you have it within you don't even know how powerful you are. And that you have the opportunity to live the most inspiring, and joyous and fulfilling and meaningful life, it's just about doing the inner work and everything comes from within. And that is definitely where I'd be starting. No major changes for the moment, you can get to a point where you make those interchanges and work quite the same half as bad as what it might currently be, you know, be feeling. 

But certainly, you'll still be able to make that transition into that new fulfilling work that's going to be your contri, your unique contribution to humanity, and we need your contribution. So you know, you're not doing this inner work is actually disservice, you know, is a disservice to us. So I strongly encourage you to, to really, you know, flick through that, that framework that I've created. And as I said, so much of it's free. Everything that that I share with with people is it's about being cost effective, and really getting to the raw modalities and content as quickly as possible, as in a way that's as affordable as possible for everyone. It's not about selling people programs, and not everyone needs a full program of someone's. They just might need one particular book of theirs that will make a huge difference to their lives.

Elizabeth Diacos  48:29  
Kylie Atwell, thank you so much for coming in to the Get Out of Teaching Podcast today.

Kylie Atwell  48:34  
Thank you so much, Elizabeth. It's been my absolute pleasure. And I look forward to speaking with anyone who's happy to connect with me.

Elizabeth Diacos  48:42  
I hope you're enjoying the Get Out of Teaching Podcast presented by Larksong Enterprises with your host Elizabeth Diacos. Before you go, I just wanted to let you know about a couple of cool things I've been working on. The Get Out of Teaching Readiness Scorecard is a free quiz that helps you see how ready you are to leave teaching. I'm also running a webinar for teachers who are thinking of starting a business. That's on Wednesday, September the 29th at 11:30am AEST. That's Melbourne time. You can do the scorecard book for the webinar and find the show notes for this episode at

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