

Simon Cousins Season 1 Episode 10

In the latest edition of the Skyetime Podcast, Simon Cousins talks to Trish Rogers of Skye Climate Action about some of the environmental positives that have come from the Covid-19 lockdown. In the last three months there has been a greater emphasis on sourcing locally produced food, a move to more home-produced food and community sharing of plants. 
This trend of sourcing more locally produced food has been a real boost for Roger Whiddon of the Isle of Skye Fresh Produce Company. When lockdown struck and hotels and restaurants closed, 90% of his business disappeared overnight. However, through the Skye and Lochalsh Food Link Van and a network of ten distribution hubs, Roger has been able to establish direct sales to consumers. 
In the interview, Roger talks about his career, establishing the business on Skye, trying to survive without Government support and his hopes for the business once lockdown is lifted.