Bedtime Stories with R.A. Spratt

Friday Barnes and the Case of the Missing Homework

October 06, 2020 R.A. Spratt Season 1 Episode 33

When Parker's assignment goes missing and it's worth 80% of his final mark for the year, Friday has to help him find it so he doesn't enrage Mr Spencer and have to do the whole year 9 science coarse again. This is a chapter from 'Friday Barnes 1, Girl Detective' recorded for the podcast to promote the upcoming release of 'Friday Barnes 9, No Escape'.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, and welcome to bedtime stories with me, RA Spratt. Well, today we're going to have a Friday bond story. And the reason for this is because the next book that I'm bringing out, it's going to come out in February, 2021 is going to be Friday. Bond's nine, the ninth book in the series. And you may not realize this, but this is a super huge deal to all the Friday Barnes fans out there. Cause I wrote eight books and I finished writing them about two or three years ago and they have been nagging me and pestering me and sending me emails ever since pleading with me to write a ninth book. And I resisted for a long time. But then everyone in my publishes included, uh, leaned on me enough and I'm like, fine. I'll do it. And I wrote the book and I actually really enjoyed writing the book and it's coming out really well. And we're in the process of editing it right now. And it will be on sale in about four months time. So I promise my publisher to help publicize this event and get everybody ready for the release on the podcast. I would read a Friday bond story once a month until the ninth book comes out in February. So this is the first one I'm going to read, um, as part of this series. And it's the case of the missing homework from Friday bonds one and I love reading this story. I've read it hundreds of times during author talks, it's one of my favorite stories to read and I hope you enjoy it too. So here goes bonds. Bonds Friday was in the dining hall, eating dinner. It was Wednesday and the meal was toad in the hole, which was the second best dinner of the week. So Friday did not appreciate having it interrupted. She turned to see Parker, a third form, boy running towards her. You've got to help me. He cried as he came to a, in Holt beside her. I've got to do, I said Friday, Ooh, you should've said, please said, Melanie, please bond said Parker. I'm in a sticky mess. My first name is Friday said Friday. I know you boys insist on referring to each other by your surnames, but I'm not a boy. And I don't like it. Sorry. Friday said Parker, but you will help me. Won't you here. He rifled through his pockets and found a$20 note here. I've got 20 right here. If you just come and have a look and I'll give you another 20, if you can find it, find what as Friday, her irritation with Parker could not dampen her natural curiosity for a mystery. My assignment it's worth 80% of my final Mark for the year. So Parker and someone stole it. I think it was. He leaned in close the swamp Yeti entry in said Friday, but why would a swamp yet? He want to steal your assignment, asked Melanie. Well, they say he's a former year seven student who ran from the school. So perhaps he's tired of living in a swamp with all the mosquitoes and that stinky mud. And he's trying to catch up on the coursework so he can get back in. We'll investigate said Friday, Friday and Melanie went with Parker back to his dorm room. It was just like their own room, except that it smelled really bad because boys lived there and there was lots of dirty sports equipment littered about Friday. And Melanie did not approve of sports equipment. If they were forced to own any, they usually shoved it as far back underneath their beds as possible. So they'd never have to look at it. Talk me through what happens at Friday. Well, I was sitting here doing my chemistry assignments said parka. It was really hard. It took me forever. I'm not very good at understanding vacancies. I know the teacher said it had something to do with oranges and a cricket ground, but honestly I couldn't follow what the fellow was saying. So it took you a while last Friday. Oh yes. Hours and hours replied pocket. My roommate, Nigel had to go and get me a blade of dentist so I could work ride through. Ooh, it was Shepherd's pie. Last night said, Melanie, you wouldn't want to miss that. It's the best dinner of the week. Oh, absolutely. A great Parker, but I couldn't afford time away from my desk. It's due tomorrow and I just had to get it done. Well, why didn't you just go to the teacher and ask for an extension said Friday? Well, yes. Normally I would reply Parker, but ms. Dispenser would never agree to that. He hates me. Why asked Friday seems very unscientific to be so emotional. Well, because in the last practical exam, when we had to identify which beaker contained acid and which contained alkaline, I forgot how to do the proper test with that litmus stuff. So I worked it out by sticking my finger in H Baker and then looking at, Oh, I remember that said, Melanie, you had to spend a week in hospital. Didn't you that's right. Said parka. It was an awesome week. I got to lie in bed all day, watching television and the skin on my finger grew back eventually. So all in all, it was a win for me Friday peer to park his desk and then at the window next to it. So how exactly did your homework come to go missing? She asked, I was struggling with a particularly difficult problem and eating the first bite of my Shepherd's pie. When Portelli knocked at the door explained Parker, he said they tied a year, seven boy to his desk using his own neck tie. And did I want to go and have a look? And you did said Friday of course said Barker. It sounded like a laugh. So I popped up for a quick peak. I was only gone 60 seconds. And when I came back, it was gone. Someone had taken your homework as was Friday? Yes. And to add insult to injury, they took my dinner as well said, pocket. They ate your dinner. Asked Friday. Yes. Said parka. Did they take the plate as Friday? Well, what difference does that make asked Parker? I'm not sure yet said Friday. She was lost in concentration. No, they left the plate, but they ate every last scrap of the Denis at PACA. It's a good job. I had a stash of potato chips hidden under the floorboards, or I would have starved Friday, looked about the room. Then walked over to the open window, took out a magnifying glass and closely inspected the frame. Hmm. She said a clue asked Parker. A footprint said Friday. Oh, whose is it off pocket? It's the swamp petty. Isn't it? No set. Friday. Swamp Yetis don't exist. Oh, said Parker. He was clearly disappointed. Friday leaned out the window looking first one way than the other. On one side, she could see the cricket pitch in the distance. On the other side, she could see boys coming out of the dining hall, laughing amongst themselves and thrown a few scraps to fudge the school's overweight dog. Then do you know who did take my homework as Parker? Yes, I do said Friday. The problem will be proven it. How much cash do you have said pocket as he checked his pockets, then his desk I've got 80, no$90 that ought to do it said Friday taking the money out of his hand. What time is your science lesson? Tomorrow morning. A third period. So 11:15 AM. I can make that work said Friday. She tucked the cash in her pocket. I'll meet you at the beginning of your science class tomorrow morning with your stolen homework. Friday then turned and clambered out the window. Oh, thank you. Thank you very much called Parker. As he watched her jog off into the bushes, he turned back to Melanie. Um, she hasn't just run off with all my money. Has she? I don't think so said Melanie, but it can be hard to tell with Friday. Sometimes she's very peculiar. The next morning Parker was very nervous as he stood outside his science classroom waiting for Friday. Melanie waited with him, but that didn't make him less nervous because Parker found girls nerve wracking as well. All the other students were filing in. He couldn't delay for much longer. Mr. Spencer was just about to start the lesson. When he spotted his hapless student, loitering in the car at all pocket, get in here. Stop dilly dallying. He snapped pocket entered. His shoulders was slumped. He was just about to get detention for goodness knows how many days, possibly weeks. And he was out of pocket. All that money. You've given Friday as well. Why is she here? Asked mr. Spencer as he glared at Melanie she'd followed Parker into the room. Did you decide to bring a date to class? The class sniggered no sir said Parker lamely and where's your assignment continued mr. Spencer, I don't have it. So admitted Parker, mr. Spencer side and crossed his arms. Get in, ready to enjoy yelling at his most abysmal student. So tell me what's your excuse. This time someone stole it. Sir said Parker, preposterous, exclaimed. Mr. Spencer. You expect me to believe that someone would steal the homework of a boy like you. Well, it does sound silly when you put it that way, sir. A great Parker. Suddenly the door burst open stop yelled Friday. As she stood in the entrance, Karina snap-lock bag containing a mysterious Brown substance. What are you doing here? Demanded mr. Spencer. Aren't you in year seven. Should you be an English right now? A minor technicalities said Friday. I am here to clear the name of this boy Parker. Well, he says someone stole his homework, said mr. Spencer. I find that very difficult to believe when he does hand it as assignments, he always gets very bad marks. No one in their right mind would steal homework from him, ah, said Friday, but it wasn't stolen. It was eaten exclaimed, mr. Spencer, by whom not by homesick Friday. The question you should ask is by what? Oh, so it was the swamp. Yeti exclaimed parka. No said Friday, your homework was not eaten by another student or a fictional swamped. Elaine man, beast. It was eaten by fudge the school dog fudge ate my homework, marveled Parker. But why would he do that? He always gets lots of scraps from the students. That's why he's so fat because it was Shepherd's pie. Tuesday said Friday and everyone loves mrs. Marigold's Shepherd's pie. Therefore there weren't no scraps. It's the one day of the week where fudge is left alone, outside the dining hall, windows feeling hungry. And there is nothing hungrier than a fat dog. So when you left your plate of Shepherd's pie on your desk, it was tantamount to entrapment. Fudge could not resist, but what's that got to do with this boy's homework asked mr. Spencer, ah, dogs are messy. Eaters explained Friday. They usually eat from bowls, but Parker's Shepherd's pie was on a plate. So as fudge licked it up, he licked it off the plate onto the piece of paper below, which was the homework assignment. When he'd finished, 18 fudge was still hungry. So he ate the gravy Smith paper as well. Dogs don't have opposable thumbs. So they literally can't pick and choose what they eat. This is ridiculous. Ed, mr. Spencer. I don't believe it for a minute. Ah, said Friday, but I have proof. She held up the snap lock bag full of the mysterious Brown substance and everyone in the room got a nasty suspicion of just what was in that bag. Behold here as pocket's assignment, fully digested and greeted as fudges, poop, exclaimed everyone in the classroom. That's this Gustin exclaimed, mr. Spencer that's evidence said Friday, I had an express career. Drive it to the university last night, they ran it through their analysis protocols and the results are conclusive. This poop is 11% paper, which is consistent with a sheet of eight, four, eight, and alongside a serving of Shepherd's pie. This is by far the most disgusting thing a student has ever confronted me with said mr. Spencer, disgusting. Yes, but also conclusive proof that a dog ate park, as homework said Friday, the class applauded Friday was putting on their most interest in science lesson. Since mr. Spencer accidentally burnt his own eyebrows off with a Bunsen burner, this whole debacle still does not reflect well on Parker. I have a good mind to send him to detention. Anyway said, mr. Spencer, mr. Spencer said Friday, I know the Parker is as thick as two short planks. And that must be very irritating for you to endure, but he is sincerely frightened of you. And he did earnestly tried to do his assignment. If you crush him now, it may be a blow. He never recovers from, and you don't want Parker to repeat a year because his grades are so bad. Do you know, said mr. Spencer shuddering at the thought of having to endure another 12 months with the dull art. So give him another night to do the assignment all over again. Suggested Friday. Oh, I said Parker. I was hoping I could just get a pass. Parker said, mr. Spencer, I'm giving you another chance, but please don't leave a freshly cooked meal on top of your homework in front of an open window again. Oh, no danger in that sir said Parker it's kidney pie for dinner tonight. Not even fudge would touch that. Well done said Melanie is the two girls left mr. Spencer's classroom. It was simple. Really said Friday. The only hard part was following fudge around until he did it poop. I didn't realize that the canine digestive system was so slow. It's just a shame. It was fudge said, Melanie, what do you mean said Friday? Well, it's one thing to have a Yeti lived in the swamp, said Melanie, but to have him climbing in through windows, looking for food would be even more exciting setting aside. The fact that swamp Yetis do not exist set Friday. What on earth would be exciting about having one climb in through your window, Melanie side Friday, you need to read less textbooks and more romance novels. Then you'd know. Speaking of which, do you know where Ian's been this week? No said Friday. If he doesn't turn up soon said Melanie, he should be the subject of your next investigation. Why would I do that? Ask Friday because of your feelings for him, of course said, Melanie, if he had disappeared into the swamp and being eaten by the swamp, Yeti, that would be fine with me. Separate Friday. Aha said Melanie, who did not want to accuse her best friend of being a liar. The end, Thank you for listening to support this podcast. You can just buy a book by me, RA spread. There are a lot to choose from, from across the Friday barns, pesky kids and nanny pig and series. You can order them in through your local bookstore or you can go to my website, RA and click on the book, depository banner. They've got all my titles and free international shipping and my new book Friday barns nine is on sale. Now you can preorder it or you can wait until February when it'll be in bookstores near you. Okay. Thank you very much for listening until next time. Goodbye.

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