Biz Bytes

Ep 2. How Technology enables and supports Customer Experience

The IT Psychiatrist Season 1 Episode 2

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Your business wants to move faster, and do more with what you've got. You're aiming to best place to work, while making sure that you're growing.

Do your customers love you?

What about what your competitors are doing? Are you trying to be at the top of your game?

What ever you do, customer experience is key.

This episode I talk with Paul Scott for his views on how Technology enables Customer Experience
About the Speaker

Paul is a leader with 20 years global experience who works with companies to ensure that at all times they are putting their customer first and using technology to enable them.

This episode was recorded on March 12. We make reference to events related to the Coronavirus based on what was happening at that time. The situation is fluid and has changed significantly since then, please refer to accredited medical and news sites for the most recent updates.