Biz Bytes

Ep 3. Leading Remote Teams During a Crisis

The IT Psychiatrist Season 1 Episode 3

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To reduce the risk presented by the spread of Covid-19, companies have asked their employees to work remotely. 

While many of us already works from home at least part of the time, the new policies leave whole teamss — and their managers — working separate from each other for the first time with no certainty as to how long for.

There is plenty of advice on how to work remotely, but how do you lead in this situation?

  • You trust your team, but how do you keep across what they are doing without micromanaging?
  • You want to be approachable, but how you maintain an open door policy without burning yourself out 
  • There is information coming from everywhere, how can you ensure they aen't 
  • What about the team member who's main source of social contact is the office
  • And above all, how do you make sure that they stop! 

About the Speaker
My guest today is Gail Page from positive pathways. An expert in addressing conflict in the business, Gail helps leaders and teams to build healthier workplace relationships. This leads to psychological safety becoming part of a company’s DNA and paves the way to realising the individual and collective potential of the team and the business.

In this episode we explore how to lead remote teams in a crisis

This episode was recorded on March 23. We make reference to events related to the Coronavirus based on what was happening at that time. The situation is fluid and has changed significantly since then, please refer to accredited medical and news sites for the most recent updates.