Biz Bytes

Ep 36. From Counting Barnacles to Delivering Banking Apps

Anthony McMahon and Pera Barrett Season 1 Episode 36

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Take people with a need.  Find people with an ability. Put them together. Solve a problem

That's how Pera Barrett describes the function of Shoebox Christmas. A cause for good that he is responsible for in New Zealand to ensure that all children have a little something under the Christmas Tree.

On reflection, we also realise that it describes the role of a Digital Product Owner. 

That's Pera's day job.

But it's not where he started out. 

When he left school, Pera was off to be a marine biologist. 

And then he found his passion - making things better for people. 

In today's episode, Pera shares the journey that took him from counting barnacles on beaches to digital leadership and why it's important to show people what you can do.

In a very personal conversation, Pera reinforces what Norie Ape and Hylton Stunnenberg-Southon covered off in earlier episodes - any one can learn to code, but some skills are linked to your attitude.

Father, Rapper, Wrapper, Podcast Host, Digital Leader, Pera Barrett has a long list of accomplishments that all have one thing in common: making things better for people!

When he's not working 9-5 as a Digital Product Owner at BNZ Digital and busy with family, Pera coordinates the Shoebox Christmas Project and Stationary Starter pack - two causes for good that Pera is passionate about.

If that's not enough to keep him busy, he also raps under the stage name Percieve (spelt incorrectly intentionally). Then there's his podcast - Paperback Guerrillas for mana enhancing kōrero.

All things which led to Pera be named New Zealand Local Hero of The Year for 2019

It's just some of the many things that make Pera such an awesome guest with an amazing story to tell