Are They Canceled?

Is Joe Rogan canceled?

January 19, 2021 Ramneet & Jared Season 2 Episode 2
Is Joe Rogan canceled?
Are They Canceled?
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Are They Canceled?
Is Joe Rogan canceled?
Jan 19, 2021 Season 2 Episode 2
Ramneet & Jared

Staying culturally relevant 20 years after hosting a game show about eating bison testicles is no small feat. Nor is becoming the most polarizing figure in the podcast industry while maintaining maximum straight-white-guy blandness.

Jared and Ramneet are opening themselves up to the slings and arrows of a monumentally insufferable fanbase by discussing Joe “Guys, He’s Not Racist if You Give Him a Chance!!!” Rogan.

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Show Notes

Staying culturally relevant 20 years after hosting a game show about eating bison testicles is no small feat. Nor is becoming the most polarizing figure in the podcast industry while maintaining maximum straight-white-guy blandness.

Jared and Ramneet are opening themselves up to the slings and arrows of a monumentally insufferable fanbase by discussing Joe “Guys, He’s Not Racist if You Give Him a Chance!!!” Rogan.

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