Couture & Construction

Outdoor Living with Bew White

Andrew Denny & Bew White Season 4 Episode 71

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Welcome back to Season 4 of Couture & Construction! We are an uplifting podcast dedicated to the many different aspects of the luxury building industry.

For the month of May we are going to be diving into everything you need to know about summer living. This week we will be going behind the scenes into all of the things you need to know this summer about outdoor living. No one represents that better than the incredibly knowledgable and self-made Bew White!

We sit down with Bew to discuss outdoor living, as well as how he navigates his company Summer Classics. He also gives some wild insights into how he navigated the recession & came back even stronger! Bew also shares some phenomenal insights into what he recommends when it comes to your outdoor living this summer.

Follow Bew White:
A Summer Classic: The Bew White Story