NW NERD: Fandom-powered geek magazine

Looking ahead: New year, pop culture changes, and the moon

January 01, 2021 NW NERD
Looking ahead: New year, pop culture changes, and the moon
NW NERD: Fandom-powered geek magazine
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NW NERD: Fandom-powered geek magazine
Looking ahead: New year, pop culture changes, and the moon
Jan 01, 2021

We've left one year behind, and are embarking on another. There are a few headlines that may affect our relationship to pop culture in the months ahead. Plus, the Northwest has a couple connections to a coming mission to the moon that will make history. To get into the details, we talk with Northwest News Network's Tom Banse about one booming corner of the film industry (despite, and because of the pandemic), as well as NASA's Steven Smith about news around the developing Artemis missions.

Joining this episode are special guests People's Critic Tim Hall (also with Made in the 80s podcast) and Pixie Bomber cosplay. 

Film industry booming in Hollywood North
Two notable astronauts part of Artemis team

Show Notes

We've left one year behind, and are embarking on another. There are a few headlines that may affect our relationship to pop culture in the months ahead. Plus, the Northwest has a couple connections to a coming mission to the moon that will make history. To get into the details, we talk with Northwest News Network's Tom Banse about one booming corner of the film industry (despite, and because of the pandemic), as well as NASA's Steven Smith about news around the developing Artemis missions.

Joining this episode are special guests People's Critic Tim Hall (also with Made in the 80s podcast) and Pixie Bomber cosplay. 

Film industry booming in Hollywood North
Two notable astronauts part of Artemis team