Master My Garden Podcast

EP139- 10 Perennials To Sow This Autumn For Super Blooms Next Summer

August 26, 2022 John Jones Episode 139

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The Autumn is a great time to sow perennial seed to have flower next summer. Temperatures through September and early October can be good and daylight levels are reasonable which is good for seed sowing. On top of that our propagation areas may not be fully utilised at this time of the year so its great to use the space to produce our abundance of flowers for next year.

What perennials can you sow in the autumn? we the answer is lots way more then we could talk about in the podcast so to keep it simple. Here are the top ten perennials I will sow this autumn. 

  1. Digitalis Foxgloves (not strictly a perennial I know) but a great flower loved by bees and pollinators. 
  2. Lupins Ok maybe these are seen as old fashioned but some of the single colours are class and when planted in blocks they make quiet an impact. Also these are probably the easiest plant to grow from seen and rarely fail so are well worth trying. 
  3. Achillea or yarrow is another easy one last spring I grew a variety Cerise Queen from seed and it is a beauty but there are lots of nice ones and are all easy to grow. 
  4. Rudbeckia a beautiful flower which is flowering at the moment (end of August) and again is easy to grow from seed. Goldstrum is one of the most popular varieties. 
  5. Verbascum (again technically a biennial like the foxglove) this is a great plant the variety I grew Snowy Spires has had an incredible number of bees on it here all summer. 
  6. Verbena Bonariensis again an easy one to grow that will be a willer in any border grows approx 2mt tall but is not a bully like other plants and partners well with grasses. 
  7. Hardy Geraniums a must have in all gardens and one I have never grown from seed before but I will this autumn although I don't know what variety just yet.
  8. Delphiniums I have grown from seed previously but won't grow again not because of any fault of the plant just that they don't do well here because its a bit too windy. 
  9. Aguilegia again an easy one and it self seeds quiet easily after in the garden. The varieties I have grown are Nora Barlow and Yellow Queen and these will be sown again. 
  10. Agastache again a real hit with bees and easy to grow the variety I will sow is Astello Indigo which is a beautiful dark purple. 

So that's 10 easy perennials to grow this autumn that will give great flowers next spring.

There will be a blog post on this episode very soon on my website. This blog and previous blogs along with all podcast episodes are be available on my
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Until next week
Happy gardening