Master My Garden Podcast

EP005 - Mastering The Perfect Lawn

John Jones Episode 5

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In episode number 005 of Master My Garden podcast titled "Mastering the perfect lawn" I look at how to have the perfect lawn. I start by telling you about a really useful guide which you can use to find out what type of lawn you have. I then give you the essential tips and advice that you need to have the perfect lawn. I look at the treatments for the common lawn problems and finish and generally give you a run through what is needed to have the perfect lawn to be proud of. I hope you enjoy. To contact me you can find me on   facebook John Jones (Master My Garden) or Instagram @Mastermygarden or send to 
and remember if you have any topic you would like covered in future episodes please message me at any of the above and I will try cover for you.   If you would prefer to read a blog of this episode you will find this on the website also 

Until the next time 
Happy Gardening

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Until next week
Happy gardening