Vegan Body Coach Podcast

Is Dieting Harmful? Weight Stigma, Intuitive Eating and the Anti-Diet Movement with Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro.

Jaxon Burton Season 2 Episode 24

Todays episode is one I have looked forward to for a while.   

Over the past few years, you may have heard the terms ‘anti-diet’, ‘intuitive eating’  ‘Health At Every Size’ and ‘weight neutral’.

In an industry that is predicated on helping humans lose weight in order to improve their lives, the above terms have caused quite a stir.

  • Can we really be healthy AND overweight?
  •  Does Intuitive Eating just mean eating anything you want at all times? With no regard to nutrition quality or health?
  • Are you saying that all diets are bad? And people should never try and lose weight?
  • So does Health At Every Size means that you are healthy no matter what your BMI?

The reality is we live in a world that is locked into a bind with weight stigma.

Fat shaming and fatphobia are becoming more and more common place as people seek the ‘ideal’ body.

But where has all of this come from?

These are all questions I had when looking into the themes of weight neutral approaches. 

And the answers are far more surprising than you might think.

It’s so easy for us to read a headline, see a post on Instagram or hear a conversation in the gym and misconstrue the whole message of these movements, 

Gab is a powerhouse on this topic and has been putting out a stack of evidence based information on how to bridge the gap between an industry focused on weight loss, and a population that can’t keep the weight off. 

Your in for a big one, but trust me, it’s worth couple listens. 

Bridging The Gap: Part 1

Find Gabby here.

Be sure to grab a screenshot of this episode and share on your story, both myself and Gab would love to hear how you found the episode.

Please consider taking 1-2mins to throw up  podcast review on the apple iTunes podcast app.
(Apparently it helps more people find the show, and more listens means I can lock in more fantastic guests for the future).

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Full video on Youtube here

See ya in the next one!

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