The Creative Edition Podcast

5 Tips for Working with Brands for Blog/Instagram Collaborations

Emma Cortes & Maddy Keineker Season 1 Episode 34

If you’re a blogger or influencer trying to figure out how to work with brands, we’re sharing 5 tips that can help you on your next brand collaboration.

Tip #1 Ask Clarifying Questions

Before you jump into a brand collaboration, don’t be afraid to ask the brand clarifying questions. Sometimes brands share the required deliverables, but there’s other important information you need to know before you agree to the campaign.

Here are a few questions to ask brands:

·      What is the timeline for this campaign? 

·      When are you expecting posts to be published?

·      How does the brand intend to re-use the content I provide? 

·      Will the brand be re-using these images on social media, website, and other marketing materials?

Tip #2 Understand the Brands Goals

If the brand hasn’t shared their goals with you in the initial or first few emails, don’t be afraid to ask what their goals are.

Some brands are looking to improve brand affinity, some brands are looking to build awareness for new product line, some brands are trying to build brand recognition, and some brands just want sales.

Tip #3 Understand the Creative Brief

In some brand collaborations, brands will provide a creative brief. A creative brief is a document (sometimes one page and sometimes it’s 10 pages) that states how the product should be shot, in what lighting, and in what style the photos should be in.

For the rest of the tips, tune into the episode!

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