The Creative Edition Podcast

4 Questions to Ask Yourself If You're Thinking About Becoming an Influencer

Emma Cortes & Maddy Keineker Season 1 Episode 49

Today we’re going to be sharing four questions to ask yourself if you are interested in becoming an influencer or content creator. So if you have any interest in creating content for Instagram, TikTok, or your future YouTube or Blog, this podcast episode is for you.

Question #1: Do you like creating content?

·      Do you like taking photos? Do you like having your photo taken? 

·      Do you like creating videos? Do you like editing videos? 

·      Do you like speaking in front of the camera? Do you like writing or editing copy?

Before you jump into the influencer industry, you have to test out if you like producing content. Influencers are content creators. Their jobs are to create, produce, and publish content – which can look like photos, videos, or written copy (blog posts, captions, etc.)

Question #2: What passions or interests do you want to create content about?

·      If you want to become a content creator or influencer, what do you want to talk or create about? 

·      Are you passionate about finding the best food in your city? 

·      Are you excited to share home cooked meals for two? 

·      Are you interested in sharing your love of plants?

Question #3: What’s your purpose or mission statement? 

If you learned you want to create content and you’ve picked a niche to start with, what’s your purpose or your mission statement?

Why is it important to define your purpose?

Defining who you are and what you’re here to do will help potential audience members understand who you are. People want to know what to follow you for.

Question #4: What are your communication strengths? What platforms match those communication strength’s?

 Then think about what platforms make sense for your communication strength. So if you love writing, consider launching a blog or an Instagram. If you love creating videos, consider YouTube or TikTok. If you love speaking but don’t want to show your face on camera, consider a podcast. 

Follow Emma on Instagram: @emmasedition | Pinterest: @emmasedition

Follow Maddy on Instagram: @madcrayy | Pinterest: @madcrayy

Follow the Content Creatives Podcast: @contentcreativespodcast

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