My Life in

(EP 25, no.17) Flipper: Fucked Up Once Again, Fryfogle’s, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday May 30, 1983

June 21, 2022 Various Artists Episode 25

Flipper, San Francisco’s sludge rock contrarian refuseniks, come to town one month after that  Beat/R.E.M. show from April of 1983.  An evening of debauchery and over-indulgence ensues for myself and crew of people on that night, with Flipper — both as persons and performers — interweaving with us at various points of our night (and their lining up to see Return of the Jedi, too).

Tune in for missing persons, dangerous fire escapes, hostile groupies, and massed stimulant consumption.


Next On Stage –> June was bustin’ out all over when The Velvet Underground’s John Cale came to Fryfogle’s and played an intense, extraordinary set.  

It was particularly extraordinary for me that I finally got to see him at this point in time, not only because I was way deep in Velvets-mania in the early 80s — with all the original Velvets albums finally being widely and easily available — but because I ended up sitting cross-legged on the stage about three feet in front of Cale as he performed. 

Tune in next time for a disciplined bladder, a set list of my dreams, and being able to see the pores on John Cale’s face. 

Click below to read the original 2011 blog entry. 

(EP 26, no.18) John Cale: I Keep A Close Watch, Fryfolge’s, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday June 13, 1983