My Life in

(EP 19, no. 13) Joe Jackson: Night & Day, Alumni Hall, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, Monday October 4, 1982

Various Artists

One month after The Clash—and from one Joe to another—I take in a second, very different five-star, three-hour show from Joe Jackson

This marathon set is the subject of Episode 19, Night & DayOnce again, the effervescent triumvirate of Lady B, Le Chateau et moi take in another concert together: one that far surpassed all our expectations.  

And with the best view in the house.   

The music was ebullient, spirited and unforgettable, even if a certain someone was intermittently beset by curmudgeonness. 

This concert also marks my return to Alumni Hall on the campus of Western University for the first time since seeing Elvis Costello and the Attractions there in November 1978 (Episode 8, Concert no. 3).  Luckily, the student rent-a-cops had officially chilled since then. 

Stay tuned for on-stage elbows, the bitter toll of insincere clapping, and going into Another World. 


Next on Stage: Three weeks after the Joe Jackson concert, Iggy Pop comes to town with Toronto’s bandaged electronic mummy, Nash the Slash, in tow. 

I first and finally got to see Iggy the previous year when he gave a spirited performance at Police Picnic ’81, a festival I covered in EP 15: The Boiler

So how did this second appearance, this time at the historic Wonderland Gardens, stack up against that first one from the previous year? 

Please return next time dear listeners for musical scuffles, pushed buttons, and a mini lake of spilled beer. 

To read the original 2011 blog entry, go to Episode 20 (Concert no. 14) Gimme Danger: Iggy Pop with Nash the Slash, Wonderland Gardens, London, Ontario, Canada, Wednesday October 27, 1982