God Took Me to Las Vegas

Episode 44 - Interview with Joel Sheagren

December 22, 2020 Randy Mortensen Episode 44
God Took Me to Las Vegas
Episode 44 - Interview with Joel Sheagren
Show Notes

Joel Sheagren is a veteran photographer, director, and producer, who served the advertising industry for nearly 30-years.

In 2015 he started directing and producing films. His first independent film was called CRACKED ICE which ran on the Hulu network. Cracked Ice was on the history of racing cars on frozen lakes in Minnesota.

He is also the co-founder of a nonprofit called Hope & Rescue Foundation—a nonprofit addressing Human Trafficking and the issues driving the insidious practice. FASD/mental health is one of the driving issues.

Joel is married. He and wife, Kim have two children. Their son, Sam, now 18, was diagnosed with FASD 3-1/2 years ago.

Joel is working on a documentary called Embraced, Truth About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The documentary is a feature length production that is focused on sounding the alarm concerning the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Joel’s son was diagnosed with FASD when he was 14-years old. 

One shocking statistic is: 1 in 20 school children have FASD, but there’s a major lack of awareness due to limited dollars dedicated to ongoing research. One goal of the film is to see a complete makeover in healthcare interventions, and to see alcohol companies jumping on board to promote awareness. Joel’s overriding goal is to see thousands of children miraculously healed of FASD, so they’re able to find meaning and live productive lives using the gifts and talents God has given them.

Joel is presently in the process of raising the first $50,000 to support the development of this documentary. Please consider any size donation to make this happen. 

The website is https://www.embracedmovement.org/ 
