Learn English with Bob the Canadian

Let's Learn English! Topic: Computers 💻 🖥️

Bob the Canadian Season 2 Episode 33

It's time for another English lesson! This one will be about computers. I did English lessons in the past about technology, the office, and schools, but I haven't done a lesson specifically about computers.

In this English lesson I'll help you learn English words and phrases that you can use when talking about computers.

You'll learn words like hard drive, monitor, and touchscreen. Of course this will once again be much more than a vocabulary lesson. I'll make sure that during this English class I'll also teach some phrases that we use when talking about computers.

I hope you enjoy this English lesson about computers!

Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLoGtw-Znjs or find by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Computers"

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