Learn English with Bob the Canadian

Why Was There No English Lesson Video Yesterday?

May 05, 2021 Bob the Canadian Season 2 Episode 48

Welcome to the fiftieth Wednesdays with Bob video! In this English lesson I'll talk about why I never finished my English lesson video yesterday, and I celebrate a full year of Wednesdays with Bob videos! Remember even though this isn't a traditional English lesson, it is still a great way to practice your English listening skills!

Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKNc1-9reDw or find by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian No Video"

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Well, hello, and welcome to Wednesdays with Bob, number 50. Remember, if you need word for word English subtitles, you can turn them on, and there is a complete English transcript in the description if you need it.

So there's a few things I wanted to talk about today.

First of all, I wanted to mention I'm publishing this video for everybody. Normally the Wednesdays with Bob videos are for members only, but I thought today, I should publish this for everybody just so that I can give you an update about why I didn't make an English lesson video yesterday. Some of you might have noticed that Tuesday came and went and there was no new English lesson from me. So I thought I should give you an update.

There's really no good reason, okay. There's no incredibly serious reason why there was no video yesterday. I just had a lot on my plate over the weekend. I had a lot on my to-do list. I had a lot on the go. I was very, very busy. And then on Monday I just didn't have very much energy. I was feeling a little bit under the weather. I wasn't sick. I just didn't have a lot of gumption, we sometimes say in English. So I started working on a video. I started working on an English lesson, and it just wasn't coming together. It just wasn't working. I had trouble putting my words together and the lesson just wasn't turning into something that I was proud of and wanted to put on the internet, which is odd for me, because generally I kick out an English lesson every Tuesday, like clockwork.

By the way, if you've noticed, these aren't English lessons, but I usually plan to use and do use a lot of little phrases in these Wednesdays with Bob videos so that you can kind of learn new ways to express yourself. So I've already used probably six or seven of them. 

So anyways, Wednes-, sorry, Monday, normally I make an English lesson. I was feeling a little bit under the weather. I wasn't feeling down, like I wasn't feeling sad or anything like that. But I was wondering if I was starting to get sick, and I was a little bit worried. I actually have not been sick for the entire time that COVID has been around. I think I've been sick once, like with a cold or flu. So I thought to myself, you know what, I'll work on the video on Tuesday. And then Tuesday came and went. There's another little phrase for you. Tuesday came and went, and I didn't have time yesterday either to work on the video.

So here I sit on a Wednesday morning, and I thought, you know what, I'll just combine the two. I'll release the Wednesdays with Bob video number 50 to everybody, and you will hear why lazy Bob didn't make a video on Monday for you. And you will be relieved to know that there's nothing seriously wrong. Sorry, I should have updated my community page and said that I wasn't having good success putting a video together.

And then I had a small technical problem with my computer. I don't know if you've ever had that, a little glitch with my computer, when I was editing the video. And so finally I just threw my hands up and said, "Forget it. I'm not making a video this week." There was not enough time left in the day. I wasn't thinking clearly anymore, so I just didn't do it. So hopefully this is a nice replacement for you.

By the way, again, if you do go back and watch this again, you will hear that I've used a number of common English phrases while I've been talking for the last three minutes, and you can actually look some of those up to see what they mean if you need to.

Anyways, I was gonna mention one other thing. Thank you to all of you who are members. This is been, this has been a full year of making Wednesdays with Bob videos. I know this is number 50. It's not 52 or 53, 'cause I think I skip a week every now and then, but thank you. This is number 50. I think the first one came out in April of 2020, and I've been making one fairly regularly every week. So this is another one of the things you get if you click the Join button and become a member of the channel.

Anyways, I hope you understood my explanation. I hope that this English lesson, which isn't really an English lesson but kind of is an English lesson, helped you learn a few more English phrases, and I'll see you Friday in the live stream, bye.