Learn English with Bob the Canadian

Let's Learn English! Topic: Danger! ⚠️☠️⚡

Bob the Canadian Season 2 Episode 55

Welcome to this English lesson about danger! Life can be peaceful. Life can be safe. Life can also have some danger in it! In this English class we'll talk about many things that make life on Earth dangerous.

We'll learn English vocabulary words and phrases like poison, wild animals, undertow, and high voltage! I'll also talk about allergies, pollution, and radiation! I hope you enjoy this English lesson about dangerous things and I hope it doesn't frighten you too much!

Once again, this may seem like a simple vocabulary lesson, but pay close attention to the words and phrases I use when talking about each new term. The lesson has a lot more depth to it than a simple vocabulary class normally does!

I hope you enjoy this English lesson about dangerous things! Have a great day!

Note: This is the audio portion of a Youtube English lesson which you can watch right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1SuSmC4JyE or find by searching Youtube for, "Bob the Canadian Danger"

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