Great Quotes for Coaches Podcast

Public Failure

Scott Rosberg Episode 148

Today's episode kicks off a new concept I will be doing this year - Themes of the Week. Each week, I will cover a specific theme in the three different media in which I communicate to you. On Mondays, I will talk here on the podcast about a quote or quotes dealing with that theme. On Wednesdays, I will do a video on that theme over on my SlamDunk Success YouTube Channel. And on Fridays, I will have a short blog post on that theme on my SlamDunk Success site.

This week is devoted to the theme of Failure, and more specifically, Public Failure. While that may seem like a bummer of a theme, it is a critical element of life for us to have to deal with because it is inevitable that we will have failure at various moments in our lives.

Today's quote comes to us from James Clear, the author of one of my favorite books ever, Atomic Habits. I highly recommend you check it out. I got the quote from James Clear's newsletter, which I also highly recommend you check out.

While the quote talks about public failure in sports, the lesson is applicable to all of us. However, since most of you listening to this are coaches, it is HIGHLY applicable to you and how you handle failure when dealing with your teams.


For more information to help you on your road to becoming your best, check us out at or email me at

As always, our background music is "Dance in the Sun" by Krisztian Vass.